SB Factor v0.9

improvements include:
-runs at idle priority
-parses lowresults.txt/results.txt much quicker
-allows to parse out larger ranges (10k # limit instead of 1k)
-now includes the lower bound inclusively

idle priority

faster parsing

the larger range although not useful for actual work may be useful to estimate the total number of factors in large areas since you can estimate ranges of around 200000 now. it is possible to do this now because of the aforementioned faster parsing.

and the inclusion of the lower bound is just a technical corner case to make sure we don't miss numbers. right now, it would be possible to miss numbers in between two peoples ranges where they meet. i did a quick check and there are none missed yet but this will make it so we don't have to constantly check for n values on the boundries.

i noticed garo is messing with the factorlimit to manipulate the optimal bound setter. i think a more reasonable way to do that would be to set the double check flag. this would lower the bounds in a more predictable way. if you can, i'd like for you to go though the code i posted and recommend a way to make the program bound checker truely optimal. the formula are pretty easy to follow. let me know.

anyway, here's the new version:
