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Thread: And another big congrats to AT!

  1. #1

    And another big congrats to AT!

    Let me be the first one to give high-5s on the big 1P.

    I hadn't quite realized how close a race this was up there at the top 2.

    After more than a year and gazillions of P90 years the top two teams are less than 1% apart from each other.

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Thanks for the congrats

    Yeah, it is amazing that after a year, we are so close in overall production, and until very recently when AT ramped up, were almost identical in rate too!

    The real winner however is the Seventeen or Bust project!

    Yoda of Borg am I! Assimilated shall you be!
    Futile resistance is, hmm? Yes!

  4. #4
    thanks for the congrats.

    Now if we can just find a few primes!!!


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