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Thread: Time to Relax

  1. #1
    Target Butt IronBits's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Morrisville, NC

    Time to Relax

    I don't know how to say this, as it is hard for me...
    My health has gone down hill, and my doctors tell me I must get away from computers.
    My hobby for the past 20 years has been my passion and something I have felt very strongly about.
    Now it's time for me to pass the torch and let others carry on.

    Here is some of my history highlights I'd like to share with you....

    I have done alot for the computer community starting way back in 1983.
    I ran a free BBS and provided free Netmail, echomail, forums and free downloads of files.
    I taught folks how to repair their computers and get more performance from them.
    I also provided coverage to 1/3 of the globe for email/netmail and files.
    There were 3 of us in the United States and we split the costs amongst ourselves to provide this free service back when there were only modems.
    At the height of my 'career/hobby' I had a total of 6 top of the line high speed modems and had folks from Russia, Japan, China and Australia, to name few, dialing in to exchange their email/files/netmail from their regions, then I would process that new incomming information and pass it to the other two stars so they could exchange it with their territories and they back to me and round and round it went.
    I also had satellite feeds 24/7 to help pull in all the usenet newsgroups and files, convert to/from usenet/fidonet formats, and pass it on to keep the information flowing. I belonged to an organization called FidoNet and I had 7 Servers at that time.
    I was referred to as the 'Western Star' and did this for 2+ years before the internet took off.
    At that time I retired the BBS and passed on my duties to others. That was back in 1995.
    Since that time, I dabbled and fumbled around until I ran into SETI and Ars back in 1999 where the DC bug bit me.
    I hosted almost every Ars Team, including Team Lamb Chop, for about a year, gave free email services to those that needed and asked for it, hosted several other sites that need homes and recently put up a stats server for Free-DC with the help of DP and magnav0x.
    I am currently still hosting the Ars SuperComputer and the Free-DC Super Computer along with the Stats Server. Maybe someday I can get someone to take this off my hands.

    I will still be around, but you will see a severe drop in my output as I try to wean myself away from computers and find a new hobby.

    I have made a lot of friendships that I will cherish forever.

    With that said, help yourself to the virtual fridge, I'll try to keep it well stocked.

    Thanks for the memories!

  2. #2
    Keeper of the Fridge PY 222's Avatar
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    IronBits, you've been a fantastic team member and friend and the contributions that you've given us, we will remain eternally grateful.

    Do check in with us from time to time and I wish you the best of health. Now go have some fun.

    P/S: Don't worry about the virtual fridge, I'll keep it stocked with all the goodies that we all have come to love.

  3. #3
    Resident Lunatic Anarchy99's Avatar
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    words do not describe the benefits others have gained from your experience and efforts, so all I can say is......

    I dont hate you IB

    good luck in all you do, and thanks for the playground
    Entry: lunatic
    Function: adjective
    Definition: crazy
    Synonyms: absurd, baked, balmy, bananas, batty, bonkers, cracked, crazed, daft, demented, deranged, dippy, flaky, flipped out, foolish, freaked out, gone ape, idiotic, insane, irrational, kooky, loco, loony, mad, maniac, maniacal, nonsensical, nuts, nutty, preposterous, psyched out, psycho, psychotic, schizoid, screwy, stupid, unhinged, unsound, wacky, whacko, zany
    Concept: health (poor)

  4. #4
    25/25Mbit is nearly enough :p pointwood's Avatar
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    Dec 2001

    I'm so sorry to hear that

    I wish you all the best and hope that you won't disappear entirely!

    You will be missed!

    Hope you health will improve!

    Ps. IIRC, the Ars Supercomputer is running windows, right? That makes it harder to find someone to host it. If only it could run on Linux, I think we could easily find a new host.
    Jabber ID:, #distributed

  5. #5
    Tis a sad day

    Best of luck IB, hope you enjoy your new hobbies as much...

    Off to raid the fridge

    Keep well...

  6. #6
    Minister of Propaganda Fozzie's Avatar
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    Jul 2003

    Unhappy Take it easy IB

    I'm a new comer here but in that time you've done a lot for my emerging DC involvement.

    Alas poor Borg, I knew it Horatio

  7. #7
    Stats Developer magnav0x's Avatar
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    I can not believe what I'm hearing

    Though I was aware of your health concerns I never though it would entirly result to this.

    words do not describe the benefits others have gained from your experience and efforts
    A99 sumed it up great. You have been a great guy to have around. I've looked up to you as long as I was sucked into distributed computing and the two years I have been in the Free-DC community. I realy hate to see you go, but I also know that your health is and has to be your main priority. With you leaving I look back and wish I could have given to the Free-DC community as you have and I know no one could ever replace your presence here. You have helped so many, given so much of your own time, and even given out of your own pocket to help everyone here. I have learned many things from you. You truely are a kind and wise man. As mentioned above, I hope you don't have to leave perminantly, as I would like to keep in touch. I mean come on....whoelse is gonna do my regexp's

    All in all, I hope I can better manag my time and do some worthwile things to help out in the community in your absence. More importantly I hope your health improves so you can enjoy every opportunity that life throws your way. I would like to say I will miss you greatly while you are gone, but those words will do no justice.

    /me tips his hat at IronBits


    btw....if you need a nice quiet hobby I think I can pick you up some sticking needles

    In memory of your efforts and contributions I vow to only run health related DC projects for now on.
    Warning this Post is Rated "M" for Mature

    -Contains Harsh Language
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    -Partial Nudity

    I haven't lost my mind; it's backed up on tape drive somewhere.

  8. #8
    Downsized Chinasaur's Avatar
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    WA Wine Country

    Take care of yourself Brother and Thank You for what you've done.

    Agent Smith was right!: "I hate this place. This zoo. This prison. This reality, whatever you want to call it, I can't stand it any longer. It's the smell! If there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it. I can taste your stink and every time I do, I fear that I've somehow been infected by it."

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    In a small garage, far far away, close to the Prime Meridian, Greenwich, London, UK

    I am sorry to hear that . Well, it gives you an opportunity of finding something new to get interested in .

    As one of the people you have passed something on to, the ars DC team sites, I must tell you, and everyone else, that the whole process was a pleasure. You made sure that I got it up and working properly and any problems was quickly and efficiently dealt with. Thanks.

    I hope that I, one day when that time comes around, will be able to pass it on to the next guy with the same level of support as you did to me.

    I am happy to hear that you will be still around - there is always a bit of comfort in the knowledge that someone better and brighter is there behind you and keeps a tab on you, in case you need it.

    Maybe you are one of the first with this message from your doctor, but I am sure you will not be the last, as we are a fairly new industry. I guess the saying will go:
    Old crunchers never die, they just fade away



  10. #10
    IronBits -

    You have been a great asset not only here, but to the entire DC community.
    You will be missed.

    I wish you the best.

  11. #11
    Thank you for everything IB!! May your health improve and your new hobbies bring you much enjoyment.

  12. #12
    Sorry to hear that IronBits.... We will all be sad to see you go...

    I never knew you ran one of the major FidoNet links, I used to post to that all the time.

    Good luck with whatever new hobby you find.


  13. #13
    Join Date
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    The Great State of TEXAS !!!
    I am sorry to hear this and like the rest of us GEEKS I know it is not going to be easy to "Step away from the computer".
    You have been a hub for ARS for a long time. You have provided a valuable service to our great community.

    Take care and let (me) US know if there is something YOU need.

    a.k.a. John

  14. #14
    Best of luck IB, I hope everything goes very well for you. You have made innumerable contributions that will not soon be forgotten, now go get better!

  15. #15
    Senior Member
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    May the Wind always be at your back Iron Bits.

  16. #16
    Good luck, I sincerely hope everything works out for the best for you.

    Your contributions and presence have been welcome and substantial and will be missed.

  17. #17
    has been eaten by a grue.
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    I remember Fidonet. It was eye-opening and wonderful.

    I hope you can find some relaxing hobbies, Ironbits. The last few years, I found I had to do non-computer stuff (roast coffee, hand spin wool, read, carve soapstone, etc.) in order to keep my body and mind going. Amazingly enough, there are interesting things going on out there in the big room.

    Go take care of yourself, IB, and let some of the young whippersnappers take up the slack <g>.

  18. #18
    Minister of Misinformation magicfan241's Avatar
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    Good luck in whatever you do IB.

    If (when) the good doctor says you can come back, we will be ready.

    Guess that means people like us have to step up.

    Your presence in all of DC will be missed.

    Good luck,
    Steven Scripko

  19. #19
    Stats God in Training Darkness Productions's Avatar
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    The land of dp!
    Good luck there dooder, have fun with whatever you decide to do, but most importantly, be safe!

  20. #20
    Fixer of Broken Things FoBoT's Avatar
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    Holden MO

    thanks for everything, you take care of yourself
    try fishing, it is very relaxing

    Use the right tool for the right job!

  21. #21
    Thanks for all the hard work!

    Good luck for the future

    Checkout DCMonitor v2

  22. #22
    Minister of Propaganda ColinT's Avatar
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    San Diego CA

    This really hurts. I am feeling SO badly for you. But I understand your need to get away.

    I have never met a person with your dedication to publc service. You have been a reliable source of inspiration to Free-DC and other organizations.

    However, having said all that, you know where I live. You have my phone number. You are welcome to visit me at any time, for any length of time.

    Hang in there friend.
    Colin Thompson

  23. #23
    Kung Fu Master stibnite's Avatar
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    For as long as I've been doing DC, the only thing more consistent than my absence was IB's presence. Your dedication is appreciated, if generally unsung. So thanks, for pimping the Gauntlets and pushing new projects and gibbering people with bits of iron.

    stib #lobby

  24. #24
    Not here rsbriggs's Avatar
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    Used to operate FidoNet node 105, and I knew the Western Star quite well. Dunno if many people remember those days of things like Exec-PC-BBS and Rusty-N-Eddies...

    Good luck David. Sadly, I'll be fading out right behind you, for much the same reason(s), but this isn't about me... One last beer from the Fridge....

    FreeDC Mercenary

  25. #25
    almost retired the-mk's Avatar
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    I'm sorry to hear that about your health. It must be hard. But do what the doctors say, take care of your health, find new hobbies and enjoy them!

    Thank you for beeing here, for doing great things on DC in general, for hosting different sites (including mine) and all the other great things you've done! Your work is much appreciated! Thank you!

    Have a great time away from computers! Get well soon! Good luck!

    But it would be nice if you'll come from time to time and drop a note about how you are.


  26. #26
    Senior Member Supp's Avatar
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    I'm sorry to see you go, as you're one of foundations of our society, but if it concerns healtf, it's perfectly logical decision.

    I wishyou good luck in finding new hoppy and hope that you'll stay in touch.
    rm -Rf /

  27. #27
    Wow...what news. I dont know you too well, but you and the other's are all role models for me. Im new to DC, but hope to walk in your footsteps.

    Its too bad Im too young to remember "those days". The idea of the wild internet before it was captured for mass market sounds amazing.

    If your interested in a hobby, the strategy game Warhammer is great.


  28. #28
    Senior Member Richard Clyne's Avatar
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    Sad to hear the news, but health is more important than computers. You will be greatly missed.

    The forums may that bit quieter from now on, but hell will freeze over before you are forgotten.

    Thanks you IB, for everything you have done. Enjoy whatever new hobby you choose.

    /me raises his glass to IB's future.

  29. #29
    Senior Member tim's Avatar
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    Dittos to what's been said. From my limited perspective, you've been a cross between the kindly all-knowing grandfather and the sugar daddy for many here. May God bless you with better health and continued happiness through service in whatever way you find.

  30. #30
    Site Medic
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    Thank You!

  31. #31
    Member Cmarc's Avatar
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    as everybody else here has said thanks for all the help you've given the DC community in general.

    Hope you find another hobby that brings you as much fun. Good luck.


  32. #32
    Ancient Programmer Paratima's Avatar
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    What they said! You are a friend to all.
    You make people feel comfortable in your (electronic) presence.
    May all, and only good things come your way.
    Paying particular attention to my current saying, below.
    HOME: A physical construct for keeping rain off your computers.

  33. #33
    R.I.P GHOST's Avatar
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    Take it easy IB.

    Best wishes.

    Thanks for all the and

  34. #34
    Senior Member
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    I have always thought that IronBits was the coolest nickname.

  35. #35
    Dungeon Master alpha's Avatar
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    Norfolk, UK
    There isn't much to say that hasn't already been said. You'll be missed IB, your devotion to Free-DC is outstanding. It just won't be the same without you climbing the ranks way infront of us all

    By the way, if you enjoy reading fantasy novels, look into the Dragonlance series

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    In a small garage, far far away, close to the Prime Meridian, Greenwich, London, UK
    A nice message from Ars Last paragraph


  37. #37
    Junior Member
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    Wixom, Michigan

    We wish you well

    Sorry to hear of your health problems, IronBits. Not only will Free-DC miss you but we at US-Distributed as well. Best of luck and best wishes.


  38. #38
    Administrator Bok's Avatar
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    I wish you well. I only knew you in passing, but reading your achievements is impressive.


  39. #39
    Senior Member quv vaj Jammy's Avatar
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    Thank you for everything IB! I still have memories of metting you two years ago and was quite impressed then and still am with all that you have done to help others.

    A great many people think they are thinking when they are really rearranging their prejudices.
    --William James

    Seventeen or Bust: Team Prime Rib

  40. #40
    Stats Developer magnav0x's Avatar
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    Dallas, TX
    I would like to take this moment and thank all of those non Free-DC members that have dropped in to give their consolidations to IronBits. I'm sure it means a lot to him to have such a warm fairwell amongst the great ol'mighty powers that we coincide with.
    Warning this Post is Rated "M" for Mature

    -Contains Harsh Language
    -L337 HaX0r W3RD2!
    -Partial Nudity

    I haven't lost my mind; it's backed up on tape drive somewhere.

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