once again little words and bright colored pictures to pierce the fog of intellectual confusion that leads the un-gifted through the knowledge like a light at the end of the speak n spell tunnel ride at the please help me gain an IQ point child day care center in the I cant exist without guidance part of town

we must remember that the true voice of god cant be heard by the unworthy so the message must be delivered by messenger in a form that the unworthy can hear......

so is the non grammatical message I send to the lesser forms so as to reach them before they are expunged from the social circle

if you are the few that are capable of grasping the grammatical value of a message count yourselves lucky that you were advanced up the hierarchy of knowledge with out earning it

some of you will grasp the message and will see that it is not of harvard standard and yet others will be glad that the message came in a written form that was recognizable to them

those of you who have decided to test the boundaries of the social circle can now go to the end of the line and try again where as the rest of the lemmings are doing amazing things like forming straight lines and bowing to authority without question

*(just to let you all know this delusion of grandeur thing is kinda cool)*

it is lonely at the top, but I suffer for the good of the not so gifted

still waiting for the PM's to roll in as you will need my handle to produce DF under the anarchy99 title
