let me give me you my take on this.....

the world can kiss my......

no no no I was just kidding

I served my country in the marine corps for 4yrs, I was a 2631 manual morse intercept operator and then I changed over to 5800 military police and I served 4yrs.

I went to Saudi and was there for 9 months I saw things that I would not have had the opportunity to see otherwise and form my own opinions on the parts of the world I saw.

I met a man who helped put some complicated things in simple perspective.

we all want in some way to see the right things done within our moral perspective so lets put it in some simple context.

the US is your everyday average person who has a little common sense and some basic knowledge of right and wrong and they happen to be a little bigger than most everybody else a sort of gentle giant so to speak.

the other countries that happen to be on our proverbial block are just your average everyday stranger who you don't know and they are on average smaller than the US.

lets call the US bob and the other country joe.

lets say that joe has kids and those kids are each different, and lets say those kids are the equivalent to religions, social practices and political agendas.

now lets say bob is at the mall and he is people watching as usual looking to see whats going on. bob sees joe and his kids, and joes kids are behaving in what bob considers an unruly manner. bob bases his opinion on how he was raised to act in public.

while bob is watching joe cracks his kid in the head rather hard, bob thinks that it was a little harsh but lets it go. joe then hits his kid hard full fisted. bob is outraged and feels he needs to say something so he tells joe not to do it again. well joe doesn't like to be told how to raise his kids and says go away while at the same time lets his kid have it again.

bob gets pissed and grabs joe by the throat and says do it again and Ill throw you a beating of a lifetime. well joe is now embarrassed in public for all to see, so for spite he whacks the kid again. bob kicks the shit out of him and joe leaves with the kids humiliated.

bob feels he did the right thing protecting the kids from abuse by bobs standard.

while now at home away from bob, joe gives the kids the beating of a lifetime so beyond the scale of measure you cant possibly describe it.

joe would never on his own have been capable of such violence but because of what happened to him he had to let the kids know that it would not change how they were going to be raised. because joe was raised this way as were his parents and their parents before them.

bob only thought about the beating he was hoping to prevent, a couple knots on the head, and not about the one he caused, medical attention needed, because bob wont always be there to protect who he thought was innocent.

the moral is for you to figure out, it can be simple or complicated but it will be biased based on your opinions and experiences......

so is there really a moral at all?