Of course it was systematic misrepresentation. Can't trust the public to make decisions based on the truth!

I believe the motives include:

Cheney made a fortune from the contacts he made in the first Gulf war and wanted a repeat.

Saddam tried to kill W's father.

Of course 'Wag The Dog' fits in. I remember hearing Bush say,'we are at war and we will stay at war.' Usually good for a campaign.

CONTROL of the flow of oil. Who gets it. Not only is the energy valuable but power comes from deciding who develops it and gets it. France, China, and Russia were making development deals with Iraq and that could not stand. Probably a reason we went in so fast and 'alone'

We could do it, we have been systematically degrading Iraq for ten years.

Our military needs to be used periodically to see what it can do.

Yes, Iraq violated treaties and we did have a right to do what we did, but it could have been done other ways without the cost in lives, international relations and $$$$$$$$$.

I 'don't know' why the CIA took the heat for not screening Bush's speeches. I remember the CIA saying in the months leading up to the war that Iraq was years from producing nuclear weapons and was not a threat to us unless we threatened them.

And yes we can be a thuggish nation. With money trails. Planes full of guns to El Salvador returning with cocaine. The CIA investigated itself on those allegations and found no substance, surprise! I know people that were there. And other places. I read alot and from different sources. And am surprised when soldiers I know tell me of things that never make the news.

And what is our terrorist training camp? School of the America's?