
I was talking global

bob =united states

joe = any other country

kids = anything another country wants to do

but here is my opinion

we went to war

we won

what was theirs now belongs to us and the countries that helped us

end of story

that is how war is played

the people of that country now fall under our system of law and order

and if you don't think that this how it should be done then don't call it war

law of nature = only the strong survive

strong = anything that finds a way to survive

if you put neanderthal man in a downtown café and he feels threatened he will bash your skull in with a rock, he is a neanderthal

if you get to close to a mountain lion it will eat you, thats what they do

you don't give a third world country a microwave, they don't have the ability to use it other than as a rock to bash in your head with

just because a country doesn't speak english does not make them stupid, but starving to death because you wont eat the sacred cow is stupid

drinking from the same water you bath and piss in with the sacred cow is stupid

I have a million more but it is time to go to work in my technologically evolved country
