This problem just showed up on the machine I've been running the Beta client on.

Dual Xeon 1.7 GHz
Win2k Pro
I have been just running the default foldit.bat to allow me to watch progress on the client.
The beta client had been running fine for about a week. So I started running the other 3rd party apps to see what would happen. I was running DFMon on another machine and remotely checking the status of the beta client. DFMon had been running for 3-4 days before this problem showed up.

Thu Feb 26 13:06:20 2004 ERROR: [777.000] {ncbi_socket.c, line 1258} [SOCK::s_Connect] Failed pending connect to (Unknown) {errno=No such file or directory}
Thu Feb 26 13:06:20 2004 ERROR: [777.000] {ncbi_connutil.c, line 801} [URL_Connect] Socket connect to failed: Unknown
Thu Feb 26 13:23:31 2004 ERROR: [010.003] {taskapi.c, line 1218} [ReadServerResponse] Timeout waiting for response, got 0 chars.
Thu Feb 26 13:32:19 2004 ERROR: [010.003] {taskapi.c, line 1218} [ReadServerResponse] Timeout waiting for response, got 0 chars.
Thu Feb 26 13:37:12 2004 ERROR: [010.003] {taskapi.c, line 1218} [ReadServerResponse] Timeout waiting for response, got 0 chars.
Thu Feb 26 13:42:36 2004 ERROR: [777.000] {ncbi_socket.c, line 1258} [SOCK::s_Connect] Failed pending connect to (Unknown) {errno=No such file or directory}
Thu Feb 26 13:42:36 2004 ERROR: [777.000] {ncbi_connutil.c, line 801} [URL_Connect] Socket connect to failed: Unknown
Thu Feb 26 23:48:03 2004 FATAL ERROR: [023.024] {trajtools.c, line 2637} RLEUnPack failed, size=3, should=400*400 - likely this is caused by overclocked or faulty RAM chips, please test your RAM