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Thread: 906 Error + 1/2 million lost points

  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    wigan, uk

    Angry 906 Error + 1/2 million lost points

    Started to upload 912 (ish) buffered gens, which dfGUI showed as being 960,000+ points.

    Just checked to see how it was doing, and found that it wont upload the last 90 or so generations, and is coming up with a "STATUS 906 GENERIC STRUCTURE ERROR"

    The error log is shown at the end.

    As well as this it appears that my points total after [succesfully???] uploading these 800+ gens is only 449,859 more than when I started (as shown by comparing my total points on my team page, with those when I log in).

    This also includes 30 gens uploaded from another machine.

    I therefore appear to have lost (as well as the 90 gens that won't upload due to the 906 error) around 500,000 points

    Any idea what's going on?

    Error log clear of errors until this point...

    ========================[ Jun 7, 2004 7:44 PM ]========================
    Starting foldtrajlite built Apr 28 2004
    Mon Jun 07 22:34:20 2004 ERROR: [000.000] {foldtrajlite2.c, line 5015} Error during upload: STATUS 906 GENERIC STRUCTURE ERROR

    ========================[ Jun 7, 2004 10:34 PM ]========================
    Starting foldtrajlite built Apr 28 2004
    Mon Jun 07 22:34:41 2004 ERROR: [000.000] {foldtrajlite2.c, line 5015} Error during upload: STATUS 906 GENERIC STRUCTURE ERROR

    EDIT: on looking into it further, it appears I may not have any missing points afterall.

    Anyone know how to upload these last 90 gens however with this darn 906 error?
    Last edited by jonnyw; 06-07-2004 at 08:24 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Kodiak, Alaska
    If they cross the gen 250 barrier, you can use the purgeuploadlist command to get rid of the corrupted data; and upload everything that started with gen 0.

    If the first gen of those buffered gens is prior to gen 160, then I'd recommend moving on to a clean install in a clean directory.

    If you see this again, definately test out the system to see what's happening. In the mean time, keep a copy of the corrupted data for awhile, in case Howard and Elena would like to see it. (i.e. if others are seeing the same problem).
    Borging.. it's not just an addiction. It's...

  3. #3
    The 906 error means your structure is actually messed up in some manner. This is likely to be cause by something in the system, so run thorough checks on your memory and hard drive.
    Other than that, once he error has appeared, you can only try using purgeuploadlist to upload the remaining structures.
    Elena Garderman

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