EDIT: Woops! Maybe this shoul be in "Bug Tracking"

I don't have the time anymore to check the forums as much as I used to, and as a result have fallen behind with what all the possible error messages mean, and what the fixes are for them (e.g. reinstall, delete filelist.txt, ignore[because everything will sort itself out], copy and rename the *.min.val file yada yada yada).

I thought it may be a good idea if each of the gurus replied to this thread with the name of a particular error, [what may have caused it], and what the fixes are (if any).

The thread could then be [renamed and] made a sticky, so people aren't constantly asking the same questions about errors, and would provide a useful resource for everyone at the same time.

It would also be helpful if people didn't post about their own erros in here too, so as to keep it simple.

I'll start off an error I recieved this evening, (which was solved by pfb )


Error: 901

Full Message:ERROR: [000.000] {foldtrajlite2.c, line 5076} Error during upload: STATUS 901 RECEIVE_ERROR

Actions: Simply ignore, this is a problem at the servers end (not the client), and so should sort itself out eventually.