Howard: So if 40 was reasonable, then todays 1.64 is unreasonable? Insanely Great? Indicative of problems? Fantastically lucky?

In one of the other educational threads, there is a bunch of info on how the results for RMSDA (and presumably, psuedoenergy) were an extreme value distribution. There was also discussion elswhere about how the "Best" values are likely to appear as if the numbers just fell over a cliff.

With todays top ten all less than 7.77, does this suggest that we have fallen over that cliff? Or is the fact of them all being less than 8 suggest that we have not seen the extremes of this EVD and it can go down still further?

Just what does a 0.00 value for psuedo-energy actually mean? Is it equal to the mythical perfect structure? Is it simply the lowest value possible within the system? Is it an arbitrary number which you never ever expected to pass? At the current rate of dropping, we might actually achieve that 0.00 any day now.