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Thread: client for COMPAQ Alpha OpenVMS

  1. #1

    client for COMPAQ Alpha OpenVMS

    Will there be a version of client for OpenVMS?

  2. #2
    Not likely. Isn't VMS extinct?
    Howard Feldman

  3. #3
    We still run it on two systems at work All of the engineering and estimating programs are in Fortran running on OpenVMS.

  4. #4


    I thought i am the only person making a jurassic request. we have more than a dozen of Alpha running VMS in the office. They are quite idle during night time and weekends. Some of them are idle throughout the day, thought i can make it for good use.

  5. #5
    Less extinct than BeOS for sure...

  6. #6
    The requirements for me doing a port are:

    A C compiler
    A POSIX-compliant operating system
    preferably an RSH server on the systyem
    The ncurses library (however this can be ported since source is available)
    A physical machine with the OS installed, on site.

    This last requirement is usually the stumbling block We have no OpenVMS Alpha machine to play with. And I emphasize that the machine must be local, I cannot build ports on remote machines.
    If someone wants a new port AND can find a spare machine to donate, we'd be happy to add it if it meets the above criteria.
    Howard Feldman

  7. #7


    too bad for me then....

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