ok i have an interesting error. I have set up P95 to start on eveer 67607 test through 15-16 million. for starters i set it to P-1 them all with bounds of B1=1000 and no stage 2. I just checked it and it has found a factor for almost everyone of the tests adn the factor is 1. For some of thetests it says it has found a factor and then itsays error factor doesn't divide N. Is that because i used such low bounds or is there somethingelse going on? the lines in my prime.ini are like this.


Is that wrong?

I already have my worktodo.ini populkated so that it will go through all of the tests with this bounds and then do them all again up to 5000 and then 20000 and then 50000. Will this work? Will not work? Any ideas? Just to explain some people have been working o ngetting 9-10 Million to have fewer than 1000 tests for 67607 and I'm just trying to see if i can d oit with 14-15 mil. first. Races are always fun ya know.