Quote Originally Posted by LAURENU2
Really no need to feel sad. I am so use to it now that it is like water on a ducks back. But I am glad you find some of my posts Funny. I try to show the world what a fun place we have here.
I go to other team boards to Spy on them and I see the discord they have and it makes me Sad
So I want to show them that there is a place that has good people that are having FUN And having a Party

Thankyou, I do find this Team's comments are the more 'friendly' of the others I visited before I joined. I know there is competition between the members themselves but it seems healthy enough. Just be gentle on us who are not as 'puter knowledgeable as you big hitters, with guidance and the team's encouragement we will get there. I have mentioned to a few intelligent beings that I know, the concept of BOINC and they do seem fascinated, If you or anyone out there could give me a concise explanation of what we wish to attain and why it is a good idea.....They too would join. I am not very good at talking techie, so, HELP..please. I'm shy....