I've marked it as "reserved" again.
Just a note to say that the 1023130G to 1024130G (in the automatic range) is not complete and should not be listed as verified.
I lost my HDD on the machine that was sieving it and had to restart the sieving. I had submitted some factors (up to about 96% of the range) but I hadn't completed it AND I had lost the factrange.txt file (my scripts only uploaded the fact.txt file and not factrange.txt).
To be safe I'm resieving the whole 1T and it should be done by the end of next week.
Quad 2.5GHz G5 PowerMac. Mmmmm.
My Current Sieve Progress: http://www.greenbank.org/cgi-bin/proth.cgi
I should have said that it probably looked like I had completed it as I'd submitted factors up to about 96% of the way through the range.
Unfortunately the scripts I use to upload factors are not 100% and so I do a final submit with the entire contents of the fact*.txt files. Since I didn't have them I couldn't be sure every factor was there, hence I'm resieving.
Quad 2.5GHz G5 PowerMac. Mmmmm.
My Current Sieve Progress: http://www.greenbank.org/cgi-bin/proth.cgi
Your upload script is not 100% reliable? Hmm, I have a upload script you can use. It is written in tcl (Linux friendly) and I'm pretty sure I made a Windows binary for it. Basically it allows you to upload from the command line without a browser. It has a config file so there's no need to use any command line switches. I'll dig it out if you want it. I was using it reliably for a few months back in the early days of sieving.
Sorry to hear about your data loss. I've heard that HDD's can be repaired, if you get the same model, send both units to a repair shop and they will replace the broken motor with the new one.
I've lost a few HDD's over the years, but i haven't lost any since I started insisting on a) 3-5 year warranty on the drive and b) cheap 4-500VA UPS on the electrical socket.
I requested a 1000G size and received a size of 340G (1193260-1193600). I then requested another 1000G size and received a 60G (1199000-1199060).
For bigger sizes is it better to use the forum method or was this unusal? I did get a 1000G range when I asked for a combined dat, but I think my next requests will not be for a combined dat range.
If you're using the automated siever then there was a gap that had been created, you probably filled in the last remaining gap with your reservation which was automatically truncated so as not to overlap with what someone had already sieved. Sorry for the confusion about that, there shouldn't be any more gaps now, it should just reserve from the end of the queue.
I requested ranges without the combined dat comment, but received ranges I believe we're suppose to be running the combined dat on. Not sure if I was suppose to have been given different ranges or not. The range is for 1217140-1219140.
I stopped running the single dat and started over back at the start of the range using the lastest combined dat. Just want to let you know that I have updated the comment field for the range with "combined dat" and that entire range will be run with that.
When I look at "view your ranges" using the Sieve Co-Ordinator I see the following range which I believe I did not reserve. I did have ranges on both side of this range. It has an "Unknown" for date last updated. Should I do this range? Thanks.
Min (G) Max (G) Comment Factors Status Last Updated
-------- ------- --------- ------- --------- ------------
1192730 1192760 (blank) (blank) Reserved Unknown
I found out I had gotten email from Joe about doing this range a few days ago. I had missed reading it. I will do the range.
First, I'd like to apologize for the mess I've made. I abandoned the range, and now I can't figure out how to find out where it was so I can put it here.
If anyone wants to take the time to track it down, then the following information should help the siever who gets it. First, I sieved it in 6 parts. 4 were each put on one core of my 2.4GHZ Core2Quad, and 2 were put on my Turion laptop, for which I've never been able to ascertain the speed.(yes, I know that makes me look stupid). The 2 laptop ranges were either the first 2 ranges numerically, or the last 2. Also, the ranges are partially sieved.
I hope that's enough to figure out where to sieve. Each core of the quad-core got exactly the same size range. And, while each core of the 2 core laptop got a different size than the quadcore cores, the laptop ranges matched each other.
Hope this helps.
I did a decent chunk of that range. Except, as I said, it was in 6 parts. Is it possible to track down the factors?
I'm willing to take it on.
When in doubt, kick it until it works.