Braggart! ..........................
Words fail me. They honestly do. I mean.. whaa...
*sighs* I feel totally out-classed in every way, shape, and form imaginable. You, sir, are freaking incredible. Feel free to bask in your glory, I am truly envious.
Well, I wasn't going to say anything, but then I was reminded of the good ole days when we wanted PICS!!! of everything.
No reason to feel that way. It's all good for the Team! We all do what we can, when we can, and have FUN doing it.
Unless of course somone were not part of our great Free-DC team and saw them, then maybe would be a more likely response...
I was gonna stop at 4, but then I saw the 3 empty 10/100/1000 ports on the switch, and it just didn't seem right, so went and finished up what I started.
What you don't see in the picture is my trusty little ole Mac Mini G4 1.45GHz being used as the pproxy server to keep them beasts fed a steady diet of DNET work.
Just trying to do my share to help out my fellow teammates here at Free-DC.
Go Team Go !!!
Yes, it is all for the good of the team. Doesn't stop me feeling like I've been blown out of the water.
Focusing on RC-72 or OGR-25, or a steady mix of both? Even if it's a mix, I think the Free-DC OGR numbers are going to be quite a bit more impressive.
Nice work! I wish I was in a position to look at my router and think, 'you know, those ports look lonely' and be able to do something about it.
I know what you meanOriginally Posted by IronBits
You know, that switch is sure looking awfully lonely there by itself.... it needs another switch to talk to...................
Im not going 2 do that.... i have a 24-way Cisco 1 GB Switch..... thats 2 expensive even for meOriginally Posted by the-mk
But great farm Ironbits !! very nice!!
Oh man..just like the old days!!
Boxen Pr0n!!!!!
on IB
Agent Smith was right!: "I hate this place. This zoo. This prison. This reality, whatever you want to call it, I can't stand it any longer. It's the smell! If there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it. I can taste your stink and every time I do, I fear that I've somehow been infected by it."
Not everybody owns a 24-way CiscoOriginally Posted by [NGS]Cpt00Kirk
But yes, it would be a little expensive...
Wow... just WOW!!!
Our Christmas Lights:
Speaking of pr0nOriginally Posted by Chinasaur
Colin's old pharm that I bought when he retired
One of my old pharms
Remember the old PS Y splitters my brother TeeJay made for me so I could run two mobos on one Power Supply?
Here is how they worked
Which allowed me to create this beutiful rack of 10 PXE nodes - thanks to PCZ's assistance
Damn, very impressive IB. With any DC project that has a fast client for the PS3, that is surely the least expensive way to build a pharm. Nice.
Today I bought one too
I need to set it up, then the fun begins! maybe not 24/7, but I think I'll like its output...
Soooo, what projects are PS3'd? (sorry if this is me being lazy)
I'm getting a quad-core within the next few weeks but maybe, just maybe I should get a couple PS3s instead? I have to say, it certainly *looks* appealing. (aka IronBits is the coolest person in the world in Jeff's mind at least...)
Our Christmas Lights:
There is a project called PS3GRID that also has a Boinc client
Folding@Home has a project
Not too many at the moment, but seeing that the PS3 only came out about a year ago, it's looking promising.
Do a little google work and see what's going on around you
I'm still configuring my PS3 with linux, better say: I still download YDL, since I downloaded the wrong one yesterday, which didn't install I'm continuing today in the evening (since it is 6:30 am in Austria and I need to go to work )
It takes about 1 hour for YDL to install.
It is a full installation with all the bells and whistles, near as I can tell.
It has email, firefox, office products, gimp etc.
I only use the TEXT mode and fire up the client.
If you boot Linux, after a few seconds there's a prompt to enter boot options.
You'll see:
If you don't enter something, Linux will be booted.
But if you enter
the PS3 OS will be booted...
In general these are two useful tips:
1) Pressing and keeping pressed the off button for few seconds switches off the PS3.
2) Pressing the on button for few seconds when the PS3 is already off will boot the game os.
I don't know if there's an easier way to boot the PS3 OS...
Also, I guess there is a Boinc SIMAP client for PS3
SETI and SIMAP has applications for the PS3. And both projects must have the application(s) installed manualy.
The thread in the SETI forums :
And at the SIMAP download page :
Thanks for the infor IB!
Our Christmas Lights:
You haven't changed a bit, IB.
"So utterly at variance is destiny with all the little plans of men." - H.G. Wells
damn download client... still didn't finish the iso download... it can only be a couple of hours....
BTW: nice to see you again Dyy!
IronBits: Please do tell - what is the total power consumption of that setup when it's at full load?
Thanks for all the comments.
I moved the PS3 pharmage out of the spare bedroom to the family room for better ventilation and dispersement of warm air to the whole house.
Thought you might enjoy seeing what they look like all on the top shelf of my book case from the kitchen's perspective.
Better ventilation? Aren't they stacked a bit close to each other?
I give all my current gen consoles a hell of a lot more air space than that.
Spacing them closely like that causes no problem for them to get enough fresh air through their intakes.
Being on their sides, they get cool air from along the right front edge and top side.
The warm air is exhausted out the back and because of the angle they are placed at,
it forces the warm air to move down the wall to the left as it rises, so no heat can wrap around to the front.
The ceiling is 18' high along that wall and that room has over 1,000 sq/ft of open space, so I don't believe it will cause any problems.
I'll keep an eye on it tho, thanks for the warning.
How much are you paying for the PS3's ?
Must admit to being tempted to start pharming them myself.
40GB is 300 quid in the UK.
Wow! Just wow!
I get one here for 200 Euros...
Ironbits, UK is out of Euro currency....English are a bit stubborn...
What's a euro ?
Is it something those silly europeans use.
Pounds Sterling please.
£230 or so.
Bit cheaper than rip off Britain then
The Original British Monetary System
Two farthings = One Ha’penny. Two ha’pennies = One Penny.
Three pennies = A Thrupenny Bit. Two Thrupences = A Sixpence.
Two Sixpences = One Shilling or Bob. Two Bob = A Florin.
One Florin and one Sixpence = Half a Crown. Four Half Crowns = Ten Bob Note. Two Ten Bob Notes = One Pound (or 240 pennies). One Pound and One Shilling = One Guinea.
The British resisted decimalized currency for a long time because they felt it was “too complicated”.
-from the book "Good Omens" by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
HOME: A physical construct for keeping rain off your computers.
You forgot to mention that a sixpence was commonly known as a tanner.