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Thread: Automated primality testing with LLRnet for CRUS

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  1. #1
    Target Butt IronBits's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Morrisville, NC
    My clients upload each wu as it completes.
    Is there a setting I can change so that it caches 10 wus, finishes 8 and starts looking for the server to upload?
    Also, is there a windows or OSX version of the llrnet server software I can use that might help out?

  2. #2
    Free-DC's Prime Search
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by IronBits View Post
    My clients upload each wu as it completes.
    Is there a setting I can change so that it caches 10 wus, finishes 8 and starts looking for the server to upload?
    I think this is the setting:

    -- number of time to retry to send results before going for next WU.
    -- set it to 0 for no retries, for user with no permanent connection
    -- this is the suggested setting as it will save them precious
    -- minutes of useless retries (the program sleep for one minute
    -- between two retries)
    sendRetries = 0

    Quote Originally Posted by IronBits View Post
    Also, is there a windows or OSX version of the llrnet server software I can use that might help out?

    Give me more 2-3 hours to see if the servers are ok, meanwhile you can start to download this:

    And start changing a few settings on llr-serverconfig.txt file, see bold text.

    -- LLRNet - network part of LLR
    -- (C) 2004-2005 Vincent Penne
    -- (See file LICENSE that must be included with this software)
    -- WARNING: comments start with two dashes

    -- general settings

    -- server name
    -- used in particular to identify the server into the sql stats table
    -- (change this name if you have several servers using the same sql database)
    serverName = ""

    -- port that the server listen to (make sure clients are configured
    -- with the same number)
    port = 100

    -- maximum number of concurrent connections
    maxConnections = 30

    -- maximum allowed time for a user to complete a job (in seconds)
    jobMaxTime = 4 * 24 * 3600 -- 4 days

    -- various files used by the server
    knPairsFile = "knpairs.txt"
    jobListFile = "joblist.txt"
    resultsFile = "results.txt"

    -- if you want the server to regularly prune your knpairs and joblist
    -- files, then uncomment the following line and set the period of
    -- pruning in second.
    prunePeriod = 0.5 * 24 * 3600 -- 1/2 days

    -- (for gurus only)
    if WIN32 then
    no_shell = 1

    -- format used to display numbers in result file
    -- (uncomment the appropriate line)
    --displayFormat = "%s*2^%s+1" -- use this for PRP type test
    displayFormat = "%s*2^%s-1" -- use this for LLR type test (default)

    -- uncomment the following line to remove username check when
    -- accepting a new result
    noUserCheck = 1

    -- you can customize the way the date is displayed
    -- (in joblist.txt and results.txt)
    --function DisplayDate()
    -- return date("%d/%m/%Y\ %r")

    -- PROXY settings
    -- uncomment the following line to make this server a proxy server
    --proxy = 1

    -- address of the parent server
    proxyMasterAddress = "localhost"
    proxyMasterPort = 7000

    -- name of this proxy (change 'nobody' to something else)
    proxyName = "nobody"

    -- size of the proxy cache
    proxyCacheSize = 10

    -- minimum number of results to send back to the main server
    -- at a time
    proxyTosendThreshold = 10

    -- name of the tosend file of the proxy
    tosendFile = "tosend-proxy.txt"

    -- User CALLBACKS

    -- below is an example of callback to log all primes as they are
    -- found into an additional file

    --function OnPrime(t, k, n, job)
    -- local fileprime = openfile("primes.txt", "a")
    -- if fileprime then
    -- write(fileprime, format("[%s]\n", job.resultdate))
    -- write(fileprime, format(displayFormat.." is prime! Time : %d.0 sec.\n",
    -- k, n,
    -- Seconds() - job.seconds))
    -- closefile(fileprime)
    -- end

    -- similarly, you can have another callback called OnResult,
    -- beware that it takes one additional argument (the residue)

    --function OnResult(t, k, n, residue, job)
    -- insert whatever you want here

    -- SQL settings (mySql only at the moment)

    -- uncomment the line below to use SQL
    --sqlUsed = 1

    -- sql general configuration
    sqlServer = "localhost"
    --sqlServerPort = 4000
    sqlDriver = "mysql"
    sqlUser = "llrnet"
    sqlPassword = "llrnet"
    sqlDbName = "llrnet"

    -- SQL user table
    -- uncomment the line below and set the name of the table of users
    --sqlUsersTable = "users"

    -- name of the fields containing the username and the password
    sqlUsernameEntry= "username"
    sqlPasswordEntry= "password"

    -- SQL pairs and results
    -- uncomment the line below and set the name of the tables
    --sqlPairsTable = "pairs"
    sqlJobsTable = "jobs"
    sqlResultsTable = "results"
    sqlRejectedTable= "rejected"

    -- SQL stats
    -- uncomment the line below to allow llrnet server statistics and infos
    -- to be regularly updated into the given sql table
    --sqlStatsTable = "stats"

    -- WIN32 specific settings
    -- uncomment the line below to hide the tray icon on startup
    --hideTrayIcon = 1

    -- change this value if you want to run several client as services
    serviceName = "NPLB_LLRserver"

    -- under WIN32 platform, uncomment the following line to log stdout and stderr
    -- to a file called "stdout.txt"
    --logOutput = 1

    -- MY TEST
    --port = 7001
    --proxy = 1
    --knPairsFile = "knpairs-proxy.txt"
    --jobListFile = "joblist-proxy.txt"
    --proxyCacheSize = 10
    --proxyName = "proxy1"

    --sqlUsed = 1
    --sqlUsersTable = "users"

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by em99010pepe View Post
    I think this is the setting:
    That's wrong .... that is the setup for the main server.

    IB, this all you really need to change

    -- general settings

    -- server name
    -- used in particular to identify the server into the sql stats table
    -- (change this name if you have several servers using the same sql database)
    serverName = "Free-DC_Beyond"

    -- port that the server listen to (make sure clients are configured
    -- with the same number)
    port = 7000

    -- maximum number of concurrent connections
    maxConnections = 8

    -- maximum allowed time for a user to complete a job (in seconds)
    jobMaxTime = 4 * 24 * 3600 -- 14 days

    -- various files used by the server
    knPairsFile = "knpairs.txt"
    jobListFile = "joblist.txt"
    resultsFile = "results.txt"

    -- if you want the server to regularly prune your knpairs and joblist
    -- files, then uncomment the following line and set the period of
    -- pruning in second.
    prunePeriod = 1 * 24 * 3600 -- every days

    -- (for gurus only)
    if WIN32 then
    no_shell = 1

    -- format used to display numbers in result file
    -- (uncomment the appropriate line)
    --displayFormat = "%s*2^%s+1" -- use this for PRP type test
    --displayFormat = "%s*2^%s-1" -- use this for LLR type test (default)

    -- uncomment the following line to remove username check when
    -- accepting a new result
    noUserCheck = 1

    -- you can customize the way the date is displayed
    -- (in joblist.txt and results.txt)
    --function DisplayDate()
    -- return date("%d/%m/%Y\ %r")

    -- PROXY settings
    -- uncomment the following line to make this server a proxy server
    proxy = 1

    -- address of the parent server
    proxyMasterAddress = ""
    proxyMasterPort = 100

    -- name of this proxy (change 'nobody' to something else)
    proxyName = "Free-DC_Beyond"

    -- size of the proxy cache
    proxyCacheSize = 2000

    -- minimum number of results to send back to the main server
    -- at a time
    proxyTosendThreshold = 50

    -- name of the tosend file of the proxy
    tosendFile = "tosend-proxy.txt"

  4. #4
    Free-DC's Prime Search
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Beyond is right, you can set up a proxy, sorry, forgot about it.

  5. #5
    Free-DC's Prime Search
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Increased number of concurrent connections to 60. Rally is under way.

    First result in on port 300:

    [02/23/08 18:59:41]
    837*2^365204-1 is not prime. Res64: 475EF4E87375EFE4 Time : 38999.0 sec.
    [02/23/08 19:00:01]
    1001*2^365554-1 is not prime. Res64: 30C65979AFA98D2E Time : 169.0 sec.

    [02/23/08 19:00:02]
    775*2^365547-1 is not prime. Res64: AB9DB898FF4862D2 Time : 1518.0 sec.
    and on port 100 (draw):

    [02/23/08 18:59:55]
    639*2^284613-1 is not prime. Res64: D03D672FFF1B01F0 Time : 756.0 sec.
    [02/23/08 19:00:03]
    401*2^284650-1 is not prime. Res64: 03F684C4F1B1AF3F Time : 436.0 sec.
    [02/23/08 19:00:03]
    533*2^284614-1 is not prime. Res64: C52191D6256872F1 Time : 740.0 sec.

    [02/23/08 19:00:05]
    979*2^284555-1 is not prime. Res64: BBED63F2CBFBFEFE Time : 1693.0 sec.

  6. #6
    If Mr. Barnes continues to have problems connecting I'll back off the rally, with 60-70 cores running I'm afraid I am flooding the server with connection request.

  7. #7
    Free-DC's Prime Search
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Beyond View Post
    If Mr. Barnes continues to have problems connecting I'll back off the rally, with 60-70 cores running I'm afraid I am flooding the server with connection request.
    He can run the manual LLR, and you?

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