That's wrong .... that is the setup for the main server.
IB, this all you really need to change
-- general settings
-- server name
-- used in particular to identify the server into the sql stats table
-- (change this name if you have several servers using the same sql database)
serverName = "Free-DC_Beyond"
-- port that the server listen to (make sure clients are configured
-- with the same number)
port = 7000
-- maximum number of concurrent connections
maxConnections = 8
-- maximum allowed time for a user to complete a job (in seconds)
jobMaxTime = 4 * 24 * 3600 -- 14 days
-- various files used by the server
knPairsFile = "knpairs.txt"
jobListFile = "joblist.txt"
resultsFile = "results.txt"
-- if you want the server to regularly prune your knpairs and joblist
-- files, then uncomment the following line and set the period of
-- pruning in second.
prunePeriod = 1 * 24 * 3600 -- every days
-- (for gurus only)
if WIN32 then
no_shell = 1
-- format used to display numbers in result file
-- (uncomment the appropriate line)
--displayFormat = "%s*2^%s+1" -- use this for PRP type test
--displayFormat = "%s*2^%s-1" -- use this for LLR type test (default)
-- uncomment the following line to remove username check when
-- accepting a new result
noUserCheck = 1
-- you can customize the way the date is displayed
-- (in joblist.txt and results.txt)
--function DisplayDate()
-- return date("%d/%m/%Y\ %r")
-- PROXY settings
-- uncomment the following line to make this server a proxy server
proxy = 1
-- address of the parent server
proxyMasterAddress = ""
proxyMasterPort = 100
-- name of this proxy (change 'nobody' to something else)
proxyName = "Free-DC_Beyond"
-- size of the proxy cache
proxyCacheSize = 2000
-- minimum number of results to send back to the main server
-- at a time
proxyTosendThreshold = 50
-- name of the tosend file of the proxy
tosendFile = "tosend-proxy.txt"