Quote Originally Posted by kmanley57 View Post
Make sure swap space is not on the SSD if it still is! The system uses swap TONS during Database/large file operations. If the database will not easily fit in memory it has to use the swap space even more. Your system drive ram buffer can grow over time to fill available 'free' memory, then start using swap space.

Windows and Unix are from before large files were commonly ran across, so they bang on swap in Unix and the Page file(aka Virtual memory) in Windows. One reason machines have more memory now than years ago!

Linux you can just mount a separate drive and change a couple settings in the mount table to use as swap space, while Windows it is a file you have to move to another drive and change settings in Windows to do it.

Frequently used file/s are saved in the ram buffer and the less frequent accessed file/s are put on the swap space.

Example: mysql and the part of the file worked on is swapped out of the ramdisk buffer, and the actual database it is working on from the swap space.

It is a VERY simple example, but the idea of how things are done follows this process.
yup, swap is on a separate drive, and I also have a separate mysql tmp space too in a ramdisk for the 1! major sql I do for the combined user data which goes to a temp table. (no way around it at all that I can find and I've posted to mysql lists to no avail also - not that this one is too big a deal).