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  1. Distributed Proofreading Our Little Persian Cousin - Shedd, C. Cutler
  2. Distributed Proofreading Writings in Connection with the Donatist Controversy {P3 Qua
  3. Distributed Proofreading The Erratic Flame - Ysabel de Teresa
  4. Distributed Proofreading The Ocean Wireless Boys on War Swept Seas - Lawton, Wilbur.
  5. Distributed Proofreading Historias de Reis e Principes (1890) - Alberto Pimentel
  6. Distributed Proofreading Dracula {P2->P2} {P3 skipped} - Bram Stoker
  7. Distributed Proofreading The ABC of Cooking - Adelin Balch Coit
  8. Distributed Proofreading La araña negra, t. 9/9 {P3 skipped} {F2 skipped} - Blasco Ib
  9. Distributed Proofreading La araña negra, t. 8/9 {P3 skipped} {F2 skipped} - Blasco Ib
  10. Distributed Proofreading Theism [1895] - Flint, Robert
  11. Distributed Proofreading Ten Thousand Wonderful Things {P1->P1} - King, Edmund Fillin
  12. Distributed Proofreading ... Up the Orinoco and down the Magdalena - Mozans, H. J.
  13. Distributed Proofreading The Lenape Stone; or, the Indian and the mammoth - Mercer, H
  14. Distributed Proofreading Legends of the city of Mexico {P3 Qual} - Janvier, Thomas Al
  15. Distributed Proofreading The young housekeeper's friend., Revised and enlarged. {P1->
  16. Distributed Proofreading Through Arctic Lapland - Hyne, [Charles John] Cutcliffe [Wri
  17. Distributed Proofreading Ælfrics Grammatik und Glossar (1880) - Ælfric of Eynsham, ed
  18. Distributed Proofreading The 116th Battalion in France - E. P. S. Allen
  19. Distributed Proofreading Two banks of the Seine - Fernand Vandérem
  20. Distributed Proofreading Patrañas, or Spanish Stories, Legendary and Traditional - Bu
  21. Distributed Proofreading John Leech's Pictures of Life and Character, Volume 3 {P1->P
  22. Distributed Proofreading Our Little Russian Cousin - Wade, Mary Hazelton
  23. Distributed Proofreading Buffon's Natural History, Volume X (of 10) - Buffon, Georges
  24. Distributed Proofreading Buffon's Natural History, Volume IX (of 10) - Buffon, George
  25. Distributed Proofreading La vie en France au moyen âge d'après quelques moralistes du
  26. Distributed Proofreading Pretty Geraldine, the New York Sales Girl - Miller, Alex. Mc
  27. Distributed Proofreading Gold, Gold, in Cariboo! - Phillipps-Wolley, Clive
  28. Distributed Proofreading The Story of Doctor Johnson: Being an Introduction to Boswel
  29. Distributed Proofreading The "Ayesha," being the adventures of the landing squad of t
  30. Distributed Proofreading Reptiles and Birds {F2 Qual} - Figuier, Louis
  31. Distributed Proofreading English Coast Defences - Clinch, George
  32. Distributed Proofreading Duizend en één nacht (4e deel) - anonymous
  33. Distributed Proofreading Duizend en één nacht (3e deel) - anonymous
  34. Distributed Proofreading Duizend en één nacht (2e deel) - anonymous
  35. Distributed Proofreading Duizend en één nacht (1e deel) - anonymous
  36. Distributed Proofreading Time and Time-Tellers - Benson, James W.
  37. Distributed Proofreading Dartmoor - Salmon, Arthur L.
  38. Distributed Proofreading A decade of Italian women (Vol. 2 of 2) - Trollope, Thomas A
  39. Distributed Proofreading A decade of Italian women. Vol 1 of 2 - Trollope, Thomas Ado
  40. Distributed Proofreading Scott's Lady of the Lake: Eclectic English Classics - Bacon,
  41. Distributed Proofreading William Gilbert, and Terrestrial Magnetism in the Time of Qu
  42. Distributed Proofreading Poésies complètes, t. 2 - Théophile Gautier
  43. Distributed Proofreading Homes and haunts of the most eminent British poets, Vol. 2/2
  44. Distributed Proofreading Soldiering in North Carolina - Kirwan, Thomas
  45. Distributed Proofreading The Cathedral Towns and Intervening Places of England, Irela
  46. Distributed Proofreading Legends of saints & sinners - Hyde, Douglas
  47. Distributed Proofreading Peggy Raymond's Way, Or, Blossom Time at Friendly Terrace -
  48. Distributed Proofreading Edmund Dulac's picture-book for the French Red cross - Dulac
  49. Distributed Proofreading Storia d'Italia dal 1789 al 1814 Tomo VI {P3 skipped} {F2 sk
  50. Distributed Proofreading Storia d'Italia dal 1789 al 1814 Tomo V {P3 skipped} {F2 ski
  51. Distributed Proofreading Storia d'Italia dal 1789 al 1814 Tomo IV {P3 skipped} {F2 sk
  52. Distributed Proofreading Storia d'Italia dal 1789 al 1814 Tomo III {P3 skipped} {F2 s
  53. Distributed Proofreading Storia d'Italia dal 1789 al 1814 Tomo II {P3 skipped} {F2 sk
  54. Distributed Proofreading Storia d'Italia dal 1789 al 1814 Tomo I {P3 skipped} {F2 ski
  55. Distributed Proofreading The Pacification of Burma - Charles Crosthwaite
  56. Distributed Proofreading Origin of Cultivated Plants - de Candolle, Alphonse
  57. Distributed Proofreading McClure's Magazine, v. XXXI, Sept 1908 - McClure's
  58. Distributed Proofreading Parasites: a treatise on the entozoa of man and animals incl
  59. Distributed Proofreading The voyage of the "Deutschland" [1917] - König, Paul
  60. Distributed Proofreading The Gasoline Motor - Slauson, Harold Whiting.
  61. Distributed Proofreading Wounded and a prisoner of war [1916] - Hay, Malcolm Vivian
  62. Distributed Proofreading The Romance of Plant Life - Elliot, G. F. Scott
  63. Distributed Proofreading Western Bird Guide: Birds of the Rockies and West to the Pac
  64. Distributed Proofreading A-B-C of Gardening - Eben Eugene Rexford
  65. Distributed Proofreading Antaño I Ogaño - Lastarria, José Victorino
  66. Distributed Proofreading Elsie Yachting with the Raymonds - Finley, Martha
  67. Distributed Proofreading Uit Oost en West, verklaring van eenige uitheemsche woorden
  68. Distributed Proofreading Reliques of Ancient English Poetry (3) {R} {P3 skipped} - Pe
  69. Distributed Proofreading Reliques of Ancient English Poetry (2) {P3 skipped} - Percy,
  70. Distributed Proofreading Reliques of Ancient English Poetry (1) {P3 skipped} - Percy,
  71. Distributed Proofreading Popular Science Monthly - Vol 55 - Aug. 1899 - Youmans, Will
  72. Distributed Proofreading Polnische Geschichte - Brandenburger, Clemens
  73. Distributed Proofreading Das grüne Gesicht [1917] {Fraktur} - Meyrink, Gustav
  74. Distributed Proofreading Ancient society - Morgan, Lewis Henry
  75. Distributed Proofreading The Evolution of Old Testament Religion [1908] - Orchard, W.
  76. Distributed Proofreading Monk - Corbett, Julian
  77. Distributed Proofreading Ten Years in the Ranks - Meyers, Augustus
  78. Distributed Proofreading Egitto {P3 skipped} {F2 skipped} - Manfredo Cagni
  79. Distributed Proofreading Tagebuch eines bösen Buben - Metta Victoria Victor, née Full
  80. Distributed Proofreading ABC of Electricity - William Henry Meadowcroft
  81. Distributed Proofreading Mémoires de Luther écrits par lui-même (1/2) {P2->P2} - Mart
  82. Distributed Proofreading The organism as a whole: From a Physicochemical Viewpoint {P
  83. Distributed Proofreading L'âme enchantée v.1 Annette et Sylvie {F2 skipped} - Rolland
  84. Distributed Proofreading Ariadne - Henry Gréville
  85. Distributed Proofreading The Art of the Book - Holme, Charles. Editor
  86. Distributed Proofreading Eurico o presbytero - Alexandre Herculano
  87. Distributed Proofreading Clementine [1843] - Lewald, Fanny
  88. Distributed Proofreading Day and Night Stories - Algernon Blackwood
  89. Distributed Proofreading Mildred at Home - Finley, Martha
  90. Distributed Proofreading South America; Observations and Impressions - Bryce, James B
  91. Distributed Proofreading Garden Pests in New Zealand - Miller, D
  92. Distributed Proofreading Darwinism and race progress, 2d ed. - Haycraft, John Berry
  93. Distributed Proofreading Bobby Blake on the School Nine - Frank A. Warner
  94. Distributed Proofreading Grace Harlowe's Overland Riders in the High Sierras - Jessie
  95. Distributed Proofreading Novum Organum - Bacon, Francis (Joseph Devey, ed.)
  96. Distributed Proofreading To Nuremberg and back [1892] - Neally, Amy
  97. Distributed Proofreading The Boy Allies in the Baltic - Robert L. Drake
  98. Distributed Proofreading The Boy Aviators on Secret Service - Wilbur Lawton
  99. Distributed Proofreading Charles Sumner; his complete works (vol. 4 of 20) {F2 Qual}
  100. Distributed Proofreading Les casseurs de bois {P3 Qual} - Michel Corday
  101. Distributed Proofreading The grapes of New York - Hedrick, U. P.
  102. Distributed Proofreading Cuentos ingenuos {P3 skipped} {F2 skipped} - Trigo, Felipe
  103. Distributed Proofreading Peru in the guano age; being a short account of a recent vis
  104. Distributed Proofreading Louis Spohr's Autobiography - Spohr, Louis
  105. Distributed Proofreading Der Aether gegen den Schmerz [1847] - Dieffenbach, Johann Fr
  106. Distributed Proofreading Our Little Porto Rican Cousin - Wade, Mary Hazelton
  107. Distributed Proofreading Our Little Cossack Cousin in Siberia - Postnikov, F. A.
  108. Distributed Proofreading Bohemia Under Hapsburg Misrule - Capek, Thomas
  109. Distributed Proofreading Rowlandson the Caricaturist, Volume 2 - Grego, Joseph
  110. Distributed Proofreading Rowlandson the Caricaturist, Volume 1 - Grego, Joseph
  111. Distributed Proofreading A Parody on Iolanthe - Dalziel, D.
  112. Distributed Proofreading Our Young Aeroplane Scouts in Russia - Horace Porter
  113. Distributed Proofreading Motor tours in Yorkshire - Stawell, Rodolf [Mrs.]
  114. Distributed Proofreading Elsie's Journey on Inland Waters - Finley, Martha
  115. Distributed Proofreading The Privy Purse Expenses of King Henry VIII - Nicholas Harri
  116. Distributed Proofreading The finished mystery (Studies in the Scriptures Volume VII)
  117. Distributed Proofreading Die ägyptische Pflanzensäule [1897] - Borchardt, Ludwig
  118. Distributed Proofreading Famous American Belles of the Nineteenth Century - Peacock,
  119. Distributed Proofreading The Moving Picture Boys and the Flood - Victor Appleton
  120. Distributed Proofreading Capitals of the Northlands - Hannah, Ian C.
  121. Distributed Proofreading Loyola and the Educational System of the Jesuits - Hughes, R
  122. Distributed Proofreading The Pittsburgh Survey, Part II: The Place - Charities and th
  123. Distributed Proofreading The Khaki Boys at Camp Sterling {P2->P2} {P3 skipped} - Gord
  124. Distributed Proofreading Virginia's attitude toward slavery and secession - Munford,
  125. Distributed Proofreading Origin Myths Among the Mountain Peoples of the Philippines -
  126. Distributed Proofreading The Garden of Swords - Pemberton, Max
  127. Distributed Proofreading Le livre de tous les ménages, ou l'art de conserver, pendant
  128. Distributed Proofreading The Pittsburgh Survey, Part I: The People - Charities and th
  129. Distributed Proofreading Vitus Bering: the discoverer of Bering Strait {P1->P1} - Lau
  130. Distributed Proofreading Brani inediti dei Promessi Sposi 1/2 {P3 skipped} {F2 skippe
  131. Distributed Proofreading Of Walks and Walking Tours - Haultain, Arnold
  132. Distributed Proofreading Gibraltar [1889] - Field, Henry Martyn
  133. Distributed Proofreading La Flandre pendant les trois derniers siècles - Constantine
  134. Distributed Proofreading Der Kunstreiter 1. Band - Gerstäcker, Friedrich
  135. Distributed Proofreading A-B-C of Vegetable Gardening - Eben Eugene Rexford
  136. Distributed Proofreading South American Jungle Tales - Horacio Quiroga
  137. Distributed Proofreading The relations between the laws of Babylonia and the laws of
  138. Distributed Proofreading Twos and Threes - Stern, G. B.
  139. Distributed Proofreading The Turned-About Girls - Beulah Marie Dix
  140. Distributed Proofreading Tales and legends of the Tyrol - von Günther, A.
  141. Distributed Proofreading Sonia Between Two Worlds - McKenna, Stephen
  142. Distributed Proofreading The Boy Allies on the North Sea Patrol - Robert L. Drake
  143. Distributed Proofreading Vasco, Our Little Panama Cousin - Pike, H. Lee M.
  144. Distributed Proofreading The Deep-Lake Mystery - Wells, Carolyn
  145. Distributed Proofreading The Classic Myths in English Literature And In Art (2nd ed.)
  146. Distributed Proofreading Der Kunstreiter 3. Band {fraktur} {No P2} - Gerstäcker, Frie
  147. Distributed Proofreading Der Kunstreiter 2. Band - Gerstäcker, Friedrich
  148. Distributed Proofreading The Adopting of Rosa Marie - Carroll Watson Rankin
  149. Distributed Proofreading Two tragedies of Seneca - Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, tr. Ella I
  150. Distributed Proofreading Our Little Quebec Cousin - Saxe, Mary S.
  151. Distributed Proofreading Among the birds in northern shires - Dixon, Charles
  152. Distributed Proofreading Shinto. The Way of the Gods - Aston, W. G.
  153. Distributed Proofreading The Boy Allies with the Terror of the Seas - Robert L. Drake
  154. Distributed Proofreading Abbotsford - Crockett, W. S.
  155. Distributed Proofreading How to ski and how not to,, 3d and rev. ed. - Caulfeild, Viv
  156. Distributed Proofreading Manual of Taxidermy - Maynard, C. J.
  157. Distributed Proofreading Inselwelt. Zweiter Band - Gerstäcker, Friedrich
  158. Distributed Proofreading Earliest Years at Vassar - Wood, Frances Ann
  159. Distributed Proofreading Evolution in Art - Haddon, Alfred C.
  160. Distributed Proofreading The Senses and The Mind - Unknown
  161. Distributed Proofreading Sebastian Bach - Poole, Reginald Lane
  162. Distributed Proofreading Motor Stories No 1; Motor Matt, The King of The Wheel - Matt
  163. Distributed Proofreading Lausanne - Gribble, Francis
  164. Distributed Proofreading The Boy Allies with Pershing in France - Clair W. Hayes
  165. Distributed Proofreading Stories of exile - Johnson, Rossiter
  166. Distributed Proofreading Drawings of Rossetti - Wood, T. Martin.
  167. Distributed Proofreading Der lebende Leichnam - Drama [1921] - Leo N. Tolstoi
  168. Distributed Proofreading Tahiti - Vierter Band - Gerstäcker, Friedrich
  169. Distributed Proofreading La mirabile visione {P1->P1} {P3 skipped} {F2 Qual} - Giovan
  170. Distributed Proofreading Secrets of the Sword - Bazancourt, Câesar Lecat
  171. Distributed Proofreading A Little Pilgrimage in Italy - Olav M. Potter
  172. Distributed Proofreading Lancashire Sketches {P1->P1} - Waugh, Edwin
  173. Distributed Proofreading The secret life - Elizabeth Bisland
  174. Distributed Proofreading In the Name of Liberty - Johnson, Owen
  175. Distributed Proofreading Trooper Bluegum at the Dardanelles - Hogue, Oliver
  176. Distributed Proofreading Sonia Married - McKenna, Stephen
  177. Distributed Proofreading Private Journal of Henry Francis Brooke, late Brigadier-Gene
  178. Distributed Proofreading The Romance of Modern Mechanism - Williams, Archibald
  179. Distributed Proofreading The Story of the Atlantic Cable {P2->P2} {P3 skipped} - Brig
  180. Distributed Proofreading The Girl in Industry - Collier, D. J.
  181. Distributed Proofreading Germany's vanishing colonies [1915] - Le Sueur, Gordon
  182. Distributed Proofreading An American Girl in Munich [1905] - Daniels, Mabel Wheeler
  183. Distributed Proofreading Vita di Andrea Doria volume II {P3 skipped} {F2 skipped} - F
  184. Distributed Proofreading Vita di Andrea Doria volume I {P3 skipped} {F2 skipped} - Fr
  185. Distributed Proofreading Autour de la lune - Verne, Jules
  186. Distributed Proofreading Gudrun: A Mediaeval Epic - Nichols, Mary Pickering.
  187. Distributed Proofreading The Playwork Book - Macbeth, Ann.
  188. Distributed Proofreading The Scottish Parliament before The Union of the Crowns - Rai
  189. Distributed Proofreading Goethes Briefe an Leipziger Freunde {fraktur} {P1 skipped} {
  190. Distributed Proofreading Locke - Fowler, Thomas
  191. Distributed Proofreading The Motor Boys Over the Ocean - Young, Clarence
  192. Distributed Proofreading Pablo de Segovia, the Spanish Sharper {P2->P2} {P3 skipped}
  193. Distributed Proofreading Osservazioni sullo stato attuale dell'Italia e sul suo avven
  194. Distributed Proofreading The Copperhead - Frederic, Harold
  195. Distributed Proofreading Belle Powers' Locket - Joanna H. Mathews
  196. Distributed Proofreading The Story of the Pullman Car [1917] - Husband, Joseph
  197. Distributed Proofreading Henry Ford's Own Story - Rose Wilder Lane
  198. Distributed Proofreading Comic Arithmetic - Unknown Author
  199. Distributed Proofreading History of the Fan - Rhead, G. Woolliscroft
  200. Distributed Proofreading Garden Cities of To-Morrow - Howard, Ebenezer
  201. Distributed Proofreading The wars of the roses - Edgar, John G.
  202. Distributed Proofreading The Adventures of Captain John Patterson with Notices of the
  203. Distributed Proofreading India Under British Rule: From the foundation of the East In
  204. Distributed Proofreading Famous Days in the Century of Invention - Stone, Gertrude L.
  205. Distributed Proofreading Mediæval Heresy & the Inquisition - Turberville, A. S.
  206. Distributed Proofreading The Child in the Midst {P1->P1} - Mary Schauffler Labaree
  207. Distributed Proofreading The Riverpark Rebellion - Greene, Homer
  208. Distributed Proofreading The Book of Princes and Princesses - Mrs. Lang
  209. Distributed Proofreading Six Cups of Coffee - Various
  210. Distributed Proofreading The Data of Ethics - Spencer, Herbert
  211. Distributed Proofreading Experiments and observations on the following subjects - Tho
  212. Distributed Proofreading Reise in Südamerika, Band 1 - von Bibra, Ernst
  213. Distributed Proofreading Two In A Zoo - Dunham, Curtis, Herford, Oliver
  214. Distributed Proofreading Tea and Tea Drinking - Reade, Arthur
  215. Distributed Proofreading The Maid of Sker - Blackmore, R. D.
  216. Distributed Proofreading The Fantastic Clan {Cacti} - Thornber, John James; Bonker, F
  217. Distributed Proofreading Reise in Südamerika, Band 2 - von Bibra, Ernst
  218. Distributed Proofreading By forest ways in New Zealand - Roberts, F. A.
  219. Distributed Proofreading Malaeska, the Indian wife of the white hunter - Stephens, An
  220. Distributed Proofreading A Tale of the Tow-Path - Greene, Homer
  221. Distributed Proofreading Florida Caverns State Park, Marianna, Florida - Vernon, Robe
  222. Distributed Proofreading Fathers of men - Hornung, E. W.
  223. Distributed Proofreading Fishing with Floating Flies - Camp, Samuel Granger
  224. Distributed Proofreading Experiments and observations tending to illustrate the natur
  225. Distributed Proofreading British royal proclamations relating to America, 1603-1783 {
  226. Distributed Proofreading History of the Zulu War - Wilmot, A. F.R.G.S.
  227. Distributed Proofreading The Book of Daniel Unlocked - Auchincloss, C. E.
  228. Distributed Proofreading Il Piccolo Santo {P3 skipped} {F2 skipped} - Roberto Bracco
  229. Distributed Proofreading Maschere {P3 skipped} {F1 skipped} {F2 skipped} - Roberto Br
  230. Distributed Proofreading Der Findling - 2. Band {fraktur} - Verne, Jules
  231. Distributed Proofreading The History of the Confederate War Vol 2 - Eggleston, George
  232. Distributed Proofreading Tourmalin's Time Cheques {P3 Qual} - F. Anstey
  233. Distributed Proofreading Two years and four months in a lunatic asylum - Chase, Hiram
  234. Distributed Proofreading Flower of the gorse - Tracy, Louis
  235. Distributed Proofreading Der Findling - 1. Band - Verne, Jules
  236. Distributed Proofreading La maison d'un artiste - tome I - de Goncourt, Edmond
  237. Distributed Proofreading The romantic lady - Michael Arlen
  238. Distributed Proofreading Carriages & Coaches - Straus, Ralph
  239. Distributed Proofreading Ombre di Occaso {P3 skipped} {F2 skipped} - Alfredo Oriani
  240. Distributed Proofreading Concord days {P3 Qual} - Alcott, Amos Bronson
  241. Distributed Proofreading The Battles in Flanders From Ypres to Neuve Chapelle - Dane,
  242. Distributed Proofreading Il Perfetto Amore {P3 skipped} {F2 skipped} - Roberto Bracco
  243. Distributed Proofreading Nemmeno Un Bacio {P3 skipped} {F2 skipped} - Roberto Bracco
  244. Distributed Proofreading The Covenant of Salt as Based on the Significance and Symbol
  245. Distributed Proofreading Ford Manual. For Owners and Operators of Ford Cars and Truck
  246. Distributed Proofreading Mothwise - Hamsun, Knut
  247. Distributed Proofreading An unsinkable Titanic [1912] - Walker, John Bernard
  248. Distributed Proofreading The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents, v. 3: Acadia, 161
  249. Distributed Proofreading Tour in England, Ireland, and France: in the years 1826, 182
  250. Distributed Proofreading Histoire de Flandre (2 of 4) - Constantine Bruno Kervyn de L