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11-22-2005, 07:26 AM
I have recently been running this project. I know there has been some discussion about it already here, but I figured I'd make a thread anyway.


Free-DC join URL:

The goal is to test PerlBoinc and is also now working on breaking RSA768 keys. The project is still considered Alpha, but I have had absolutely no problems with it. When I signed up, I got my key within a day as I know there were delays with that earlier.

I was actually thinking about staying quiet and getting a ton of DCR points, but I figured why not. Free-DC is currently 51 and climbing.

Can we get a subforum for this when you get a chance?

11-22-2005, 07:52 AM
Forum created and thread moved.

I tried unsuccessfully a number of times to get an account, I have one but I never got a key sent /shrug.


12-20-2005, 02:53 PM
Free-DC is sinking to the bottom on this one.

PY 222
12-20-2005, 02:56 PM
Free-DC is sinking to the bottom on this one.

They don't have Linux support and its still Alpha.

Let me know once they are semi stable and have a working Linux app and I'll throw a few on this.

01-05-2006, 06:25 PM
I got an account by creating one through BOINC 5.2.13 but I'll be damned if I can get any work. Looks like checksums failed on all the app downloads. Then, I hit my WU limit of 8 for the day :) Guess I'll detach and wait til it gets more stable.

1/5/2006 5:16:41 PM|PrimeGrid|Resetting project
1/5/2006 5:16:41 PM||request_reschedule_cpus: exit_tasks
1/5/2006 5:16:41 PM||request_reschedule_cpus: project op
1/5/2006 5:17:05 PM|PrimeGrid|Sending scheduler request to http://www.primegrid.com/cgi/
1/5/2006 5:17:05 PM|PrimeGrid|Reason: To fetch work
1/5/2006 5:17:05 PM|PrimeGrid|Requesting 8640 seconds of new work
1/5/2006 5:17:20 PM|PrimeGrid|Scheduler request to http://www.primegrid.com/cgi/ succeeded
1/5/2006 5:17:22 PM|PrimeGrid|Started download of rsa768_4.01_windows_intelx86.exe
1/5/2006 5:17:22 PM|PrimeGrid|Started download of yacasdll.dll
1/5/2006 5:17:30 PM|PrimeGrid|Finished download of rsa768_4.01_windows_intelx86.exe
1/5/2006 5:17:30 PM|PrimeGrid|Throughput 10516 bytes/sec
1/5/2006 5:17:30 PM|PrimeGrid|Started download of Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest
1/5/2006 5:17:32 PM|PrimeGrid|Finished download of Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest
1/5/2006 5:17:32 PM|PrimeGrid|Throughput 640 bytes/sec
1/5/2006 5:17:32 PM|PrimeGrid|Started download of msvcp80.dll
1/5/2006 5:18:10 PM|PrimeGrid|Finished download of yacasdll.dll
1/5/2006 5:18:10 PM|PrimeGrid|Throughput 10796 bytes/sec
1/5/2006 5:18:10 PM|PrimeGrid|Started download of msvcr80.dll
1/5/2006 5:18:19 PM|PrimeGrid|Finished download of msvcr80.dll
1/5/2006 5:18:19 PM|PrimeGrid|Throughput 70645 bytes/sec
1/5/2006 5:18:19 PM|PrimeGrid|signature verification failed for msvcr80.dll
1/5/2006 5:18:19 PM|PrimeGrid|Checksum or signature error for msvcr80.dll
1/5/2006 5:18:20 PM|PrimeGrid|Unrecoverable error for result t-rsa768_112593_0 (app_version download error: couldn't get input files:<file_xfer_error> <file_name>msvcr80.dll</file_name> <error_code>-120</error_code> <error_message>signature verification failed</error_message></file_xfer_error>)
1/5/2006 5:18:22 PM|PrimeGrid|Finished download of msvcp80.dll
1/5/2006 5:18:22 PM|PrimeGrid|Throughput 10892 bytes/sec
1/5/2006 5:19:20 PM|PrimeGrid|Sending scheduler request to http://www.primegrid.com/cgi/
1/5/2006 5:19:20 PM|PrimeGrid|Reason: To fetch work
1/5/2006 5:19:20 PM|PrimeGrid|Requesting 8640 seconds of new work, and reporting 1 results
1/5/2006 5:19:35 PM|PrimeGrid|Scheduler request to http://www.primegrid.com/cgi/ succeeded
1/5/2006 5:19:37 PM|PrimeGrid|Started download of msvcr80.dll
1/5/2006 5:19:45 PM|PrimeGrid|Finished download of msvcr80.dll
1/5/2006 5:19:45 PM|PrimeGrid|Throughput 92279 bytes/sec
1/5/2006 5:19:45 PM|PrimeGrid|signature verification failed for msvcr80.dll
1/5/2006 5:19:45 PM|PrimeGrid|Checksum or signature error for msvcr80.dll
1/5/2006 5:19:46 PM|PrimeGrid|Unrecoverable error for result t-rsa768_112595_0 (app_version download error: couldn't get input files:<file_xfer_error> <file_name>msvcr80.dll</file_name> <error_code>-120</error_code> <error_message>signature verification failed</error_message></file_xfer_error>)
1/5/2006 5:20:50 PM|PrimeGrid|Sending scheduler request to http://www.primegrid.com/cgi/
1/5/2006 5:20:50 PM|PrimeGrid|Reason: To fetch work
1/5/2006 5:20:50 PM|PrimeGrid|Requesting 8640 seconds of new work, and reporting 1 results

01-05-2006, 07:48 PM
Had that earlier but luckily had a PC with a good install on - so copied the files across to the bad one and did a get work...

The file I had a problem with was that msvcr80.dll one as well...

Joe O
11-01-2007, 01:24 PM
PrimeGrid: 5 sub-projects all surrounding Prime number discovery.
Twin Prime Search
searches for record twin primes
Cullen Prime Search
Cullen Numbers are positive integers of the form Cn = n * 2^n + 1, where n is also a positive integer greater than zero. It has been shown that almost all Cullen numbers are composite - prime Cullen Numbers are very rare. Only fourteen Cullen Primes are known to exist and they are when n = 1, 141, 4713, 5795, 6611, 18496, 32292, 32469, 59656, 90825, 262419, 361275, 481899, and 1354828, and composite for all smaller n. It is conjectured but not yet proven that there are an infinite number of Cullen Primes and it is also unknown whether or not n and Cn can be simultaneously prime.
Woodall Prime Search
Woodall Numbers are positive integers of the form Wn = n * 2^n - 1, where n is also a positive integer greater than zero. It is conjectured that there are infinitely many such primes. The Woodall numbers Wn are primes for n=2, 3, 6, 30, 75, 81, 115, 123, 249, 362, 384, 462, 512, 751, 822, 5312, 7755, 9531, 12379, 15822, 18885, 22971, 23005, 98726, 143018, 151023, 22971, ... 2013992, 2367906 and composite for all other n less than 2,367,906.
GCW Sieve
A combined sieve in support of the Cullen and Woodal prime searches.
PSP Sieve
Combined sieve support for the Prime Sierpinski Project and the 17 or Bust Project

OS Support
There are Windows, Windows 64 bit, Linux 32 bit, and Linux 64 bit clients for most of these subprojects. See PrimeGrid Applications (http://www.primegrid.com/apps.php) for current details. If you are running 64 bit Linux and have the 32 bit libraries installed, then the 32 bit Linux binaries should work for you until the 64 bit Linux binaries are available.

Joe O
12-23-2007, 03:45 PM
Another two sub-projects have been added to PrimeGrid:

3*2^n-1 Prime Search
Building on work done on primes of the form k*2^n-1 by Wilfred Keller et al:
Supported platforms: 32bit Linux and Windows

Forum: http://www.mersenneforum.org/forumdisplay.php?f=14

LLR does a Proth Prime test for the Prime Sierpinski Project.
Supported platforms: 32bit Windows.

Forum: http://www.mersenneforum.org/forumdisplay.php?f=48

Please be sure to check your project preferences page to include or exclude these applications.

05-22-2008, 02:33 PM
Welcome to the “Drive for Five” Challenge
(part of PrimeGrid’s Challenge series)

PrimeGrid is attempting to reach n=5 million for 321 Search (currently at n~4.4M).

321 Search began in February 2003 by Paul Underwood and grew into a distributed prime search effort for the form 3*2^n-1. The initial goal was to build upon the completed work at Proth Search and extend the list of known primes to an exponent of 1 million (n=1M). That was quickly achieved so they advanced their goal to finding a mega prime for which they sieved up to n=5M.

As seen on PrimeGrid’s front page, that goal was achieved on 23 Mar 2008, 7:57:28 UTC, when Dylan Bennett of Canada returned a positive result for n=4235414 (3*2^4235414-1). official announcement | decimal representation

Now all that’s left is to complete the sieved work up to n=5M. Thus the name “Drive for Five”. There’s still a chance that a mega prime exists between now and n=5M.

The Challenge will begin 15 May 2008 00:00 UTC and end 1 June 2008 00:00 UTC or until all WU’s have been completed, whichever comes first. Application builds are available for Linux 32 bit and Windows 32 bit. These applications will be sent to 64 bit clients. Unlike the “Ides of March” Challenge, there is no advantage of 64 bit over 32 bit this time.

ATTENTION: This Challenge is not for the weak of heart. WU’s will take a minimum of 6.5 hours on fast computers (C2Q 2.4GHz) and upwards of 15 hours on slower computers (Athlon64 2.1GHz). It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that your systems be stable as the primality program LLR does not tolerate "even the slightest of errors." Please see this post for more details on how you can "stress test" your computer: http://www.primegrid.com/forum_thread.php?id=857&nowrap=true#8317

Scores will be kept for individuals and teams. Only WU’s that are issued and returned with a valid result during the Challenge dates will be counted. We will use the “prime score” method which is based on the n value (3*2^n-1) to score the challenge. The only difference is that the primary and double checker of a WU will receive the same score.

Therefore, each completed WU will earn a unique score based on its n value. The higher the n, the higher the score. For more information on scoring, see this thread: http://www.primegrid.com/forum_thread.php?id=895&nowrap=true#8728

Please come join the challenge and help 321 Search complete a GREAT journey.

Best of Luck in wrapping up the initial stage of the 321 Search AND to hopefully finding another MEGA PRIME!!! :)

Additional Information

Once 321 Prime Search has been completed to n=5M, we will switch over to the +1 form (3*2^n+1). Currently, that prime search is in the Project Staging Area and is ready to enter BOINC as soon as -1 is complete to 5M. WU's are availabe now in LLRNet if you are interested in testing.

We will then take +1 to n=5M. Afterwards, we'll combine 32-1 and 32+1 together and take both up to n=10M. In that range, we expect another 4-6 Mega Primes! :)


06-12-2008, 09:08 PM
As I can't reply to the News thread, I'll put it here.

The PrimeGrid Challenge for May wrapped up a little while ago -- on the spur of the moment I'd decided to represent for Free-DC :rotfl: Wasn't able to do much more than keep us in the lists :)

After battling for a few hours with BOINC (haven't used it in -ages-) to attach to PrimeGrid, queue work only from the Twin Prime Search (the focus for the June 24-hour challenge), my home poota crunched away merrily-ish.

Finished 82nd for the challenge (needed to be in the top 30 to gain points for a 1-day challenge), which meant Free-DC finished 32nd highest team.

The points for this challenge haven't been added to the overall Series points yet. After May we were 34th, I'm sure we'll slip a little further down. Ah well, it's only a bit of fun :smoking:

I like the idea of these small challenges every now and again to give one project a serious push-along. Just wish that BOINC played a little nicer with my computer. Ah well :jabber: