View Full Version : Update conserning the results

11-24-2005, 06:10 PM
Hey guys,

At the moment we are still processing the data for copper grain boundary. It seems as we have obtained results enabling us to conclude how the equilibrium structure of a grain boundary in copper is.

In order to ensure that the results are correct we will start a new simulation of a grain boundary that will run through December. The new grain boundary will initially be somehow different from the current setup, but hopefully it will transform into a structure that is alike the current setup and our hypothesis about the most stable structure will be confirmed.

It is on purpose that the text is in very vague terms since we want to keep most of the secrets secret until an official publication is made.

The time simulated currently correspond to what would demand 100 years of wall clock time if an PowerMac G5 2MHz with an ordinary algorithm was used exclusively to solve the problem! The large number is due to fact that we are using a distributed architecture and a new algorithm.

We still appreciate all the bits and bytes coming back from you.

Happy Thanksgiving