View Full Version : Howto: Riesel Sieve Project - LLR

02-02-2006, 09:23 PM
1) If you have not already, you will need to register in the Riesel Sieve system. Head on over to http://stats.rieselsieve.com/users/register.php to get started. Here, you will put in your profile settings, such as team and country. This is separate from the forum registration, although we encourage you to use the same name on both for consistency.

(2) You will need to download the LLRNet client, which is Riesel Sieve's automated way of testing for primes. Head over to http://www.rieselsieve.com/dload.php and select the appropriate version for your computer.

You will need WinZip or equivalent to unpack these files. Open the archive and extract all the files to a new folder of your choice.


Note for Linux users: although there is a linux client to download, you are encouraged to compile from source. Due to glibc differences, the linux client will only work on some linux boxes. By compiling from source, your local glibc will be used, and any DNS issues will be resolved.

To compile from source, download the client, untar the file. In the unpacked folder, CD to llrnet/llrnet. Run make && make install, and you are done. You can continue as normal from here.

(2) Open your LLRNet folder. Open the file llr-clientconfig.txt in Wordpad. If you use notepad, all of the formatting will be off, so be sure to use Wordpad.

There are a number of settings that you can change. Here are the major ones:


1. To run first-pass work, set the server to llrnet.rieselsieve.com (default). To run second-pass work, set the server to dc.rieselsieve.com.

2. Set the username to the name you registered in Step (1) above. The client will not run without a username.

3. Comment or uncomment llrVerbose(1) depending upon whether or not you'd like detailed output from the client. This does not effect performance.

4. WUCacheSize will set how many workunits the client will download at a time. It cannot be set above 100 (hard-coded limit). Currently, the server will re-assign a test after 21 days, so you should limit yourself to about 1-7 days of work. In most cases, even the default of 2 is more than enough.

5. You can set the client to run with or without try icon by uncommenting hideTrayIcon = 1

6. If you have an HT-enabled processor, dual core processor, or a dual-processor board and wish to run multiple clients at the same time, you'll need to set each one to a different service name.

Also, there is a GUI Window that can show you the status of networked clients. This feature can be disabled if you like.


1. Comment out GUIRemote to disable the GUI client.

2. GUIMask should be set to to allow localhost connections only, or to allow from the network.

3. GUIAllow should be set to to allow localhost connections only, or set a speicifc IP or ip block. Can only be entered in the form xxx.xxx.xxx.0 for a block.

4. GUIpassword is the password required when setting up a GUI client connection. You may set this to whatever you wish.

Once you have all your client settings ready, save the file and exit.

(3) Run the file llrnet.exe (or ./llrnet on Linux/BSD). The client will automatically connect and download a workunit, then begin checking primality tests. It will submit its work when done, then work on the next unit - all without effort from you.

(4) Check the stats pages over at http://stats.rieselsieve.com/ to see where you stand against the other users. Stats update at 27 and 57 past the hour, so once you've submitted a result, you'll be listed in no more than a half hour.

If you have any questions/problems getting a client set up, drop in to #rieselsieve on irc.freenode.net or visit the Riesel Sieve forums at http://www.rieselsieve.com/forum/