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View Full Version : Is EON dead ?

05-08-2006, 08:50 PM
For weeks now I don't get any connection to EON. Is this normal - is the project no longer 24 x 7 ?

05-09-2006, 03:36 PM
It hasn't died; it's just been sick. :)

The 4 boxen I've got on it have processed just... hang on... 406 WU's so far today. The project seriously needs, and is hopefully about to get, some programming help to get the clients working 24/7. In the meantime, it runs, then it stops, then it runs, then it stops... ad nauseum.

But no, if you haven't connected AT ALL, then something is likely not quite right on your end. It should be connecting, if infrequently.

05-09-2006, 03:40 PM
Just looked up your stats. You really HAVEN'T connected in a while. :eek: I'd say something needs checking! At the very least, restarting the clients.

When the clients can't talk to the mother ship, you get, among other messages, "Connection Failed".

05-09-2006, 06:16 PM
Thanks for the response - I tried again and indeed it does ocasionally connect, do a few wus and then go back into the following routine :-
Failed - RecvIda Message
Failed - Report results
zzz... sleep for 60 seconds

05-09-2006, 07:12 PM
Yeah, if you look over in this link: http://www.free-dc.org/forum/showthread.php?t=11038 you'll find the explanation.

I had several long chat sessions with Graeme about this. Sure hope he finds that grad student soon. :banana:

06-05-2006, 12:26 AM
Anything happening with eOn now?

06-05-2006, 09:00 AM
Looks like maybe the stats aren't updating. :eek:

Inquiries are being pursued.

06-06-2006, 09:46 PM
Yup! The stats actually weren't updating. Fixed now, nothing lost. Also see other thread on new material investigation. I believe that EON is going to do a lot better very shortly.

I should note that I have supported this thing from the start because it has the potential to answer some really daunting questions at the basic science level. It's been frustrating having it start and stop so much. Hope for better! :thumbs: