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View Full Version : BOINC Account Manager (BAM!)

11-13-2007, 02:21 AM
This might be handy for medium to larger pharmers.
Take a look - there is a list of all active BOINC projects to.


Join projects from one single page with 2 clicks

I guess you can create a profile of some sorts, then when you fire up BOINC the first time,
Click on Tools, connect to Account Manager and type bam.boincstats.com and your computer will be loaded up with the projects you selected.
No more having to add projects one at a time... If I understand the process correctly. :crazy:


Anyone try or use this?

Darkness Productions
11-13-2007, 09:27 AM
I've been using that Account Manager for over a year (not consistently). I managed to get in during the beta. It's pretty simple, and the fact that you can change around machine configs easily is nice...

01-05-2008, 11:46 PM
Have they fixed the "Yes to test applications" bug?