View Full Version : Hydrogen@Home Project News January 24, 2008 - Washington DC BOINC

01-24-2008, 02:41 PM
We had a nice meeting Wednesday night, with three attendees. In our casual conversation we talked off the cuff about BOINC and our various interests related to science, technology and computing. Friendly chat. Attendees Sander, Andrew, Jack IntroductionsSander - Very interested in SETI and crunching several years, interested in GPUs and nano-tech. Not involved with developingAndrew - Graduate student, knowledgable about computer science, physics and biochem. Crunching for Folding@HomeJack - Developing Hydrogen@Home to identify clean hydrogen production, learning about molecular modeling, implementing molecular docking but struggling with molecular dynamics QM/MM. Skilled in integrating existing apps. Goals 1) Tell People about BOINC2) Develop better mechanisms of computing, new methodologies. Perhaps collaborate on an algorithim.a) traditional molecular analysis tools such as Pymol, CP2K, Amber & Gromacs take too long to get answersb) Find computational short-cuts3) GPU - See what the BOINC community can do to better support GPU4) Learn more about the feasibility in using hand helds to crunch.5) Study the feasibility of parallel computations through BOINC Next meeting time/location yet to be determined. Clyde's was convenient for the three of us.Jack

More... (http://hydrogenathome.org/all_news.php#71)