View Full Version : Intelligence Realms Status Update - Jan 6, 2008

01-28-2008, 12:41 PM
We ran the application on the internal network but there are still a couple of issues left. Because the Boinc servers are running on Unix we integrated the client for Linux first. We will be launching initially only the Linux application, followed by the Windows version in about one week. The Mac OSX will follow later on, and in time we will port the application to other operating systems. We have developed the graphic images for the application but we will not have them displayed in this first version. When the program will be downloaded on the user machine the jpeg files will be stored in the project folder. Our initial estimate of the launch date has been way off. Before the start of the Boinc portion of the project we had only a couple of months experience with Linux. In order to make this work we had to learn about Fedora Core OS, Apache web server, Q-Mail mail server, PHP programming, MySQL database, firewall, networking and security on Linux. Then it was the Boinc project itself which is a great platform, but because the documentation is incomplete, most of the implementation steps had to be figured out from the source code or Internet. This is a common challenge for all Boinc projects. We are past all of these now and we are looking forward to finalize whatever it is left and start. We appreciate your patience and support during these last couple of months. Source Code Downloads: 1004 Teams: 230 Computers: 550 Neural Network Simulations: -

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