View Full Version : LHC@Home Project News 10.04.2008 15:35 GMT

04-10-2008, 10:42 AM
Hi,Sorry about the sudden and lengthy suspension of the website. As you may have noticed work units were still coming and going so operation of the project was still ongoing.The reason for the suspension was CERN asked (read: told) us to remove some 'inappropriate content' which was spam within profiles of users.This was a bigger issue than originally thought and we've been searchin through profiles and purging the database when we've had time to do so.We are really sorry but this had popped up in the midst of a whole mess of other things (I've actually been away for most of it) and wasn't done very quickly.Again thank you all for your patience and I got all your emails and we know it was CERN's open day etc etc.Later days,Neasan.

More... (http://lhcathome.cern.ch/lhcathome/all_news.php#152)