View Full Version : Two Questions Answered

09-29-2002, 05:53 PM
Two answers in one weekend... :)

The first was "What kind of amusing exploits are there for the way DF handles names?" That is, there is no restriction to the number of registrations using the same name. It brings up some interesting possibilities, one of which was demonstrated quite ably by one of the Ni-Sayers, KWSN robegeor, or at least, by one of the robegeors... we're not sure which one, yet. :p Them nutty knights!

The second question, surely on the minds of all Free-DCers was, "How do ya light a fire under Dyyryath and guru, two top performers who've lately been just lazing along?" The answer, apparently, is to sneak up to nearly within stomping range, and give 'em a good GOOSE! :D

Hey, if you really work at it, you could maybe even threaten Condor... well, no, not the way he's cranking, but you could get closer anyway.

Nice to see you two waking up! :jester: Sure, it's just coincidence. :jester:

09-29-2002, 08:38 PM
I think the Knights sit around brainstorming, trying to think of ways to break things and freak people out.

To each his own. :)

Dyy AND guru?

/me runs and hides.

09-29-2002, 10:40 PM
it is sponge bob square pants

he changed his name to match the other dude

of course, since all work is tied to our secret 8 character code, it only messes up the statsman.org stats

09-29-2002, 11:09 PM
Yeah, just name-games.