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10-01-2002, 03:20 PM

we are Number 1 again!

"ARS WHO" from "The Knights Who Say Ni Pppfpfpppttttt" seems to have joined Team Free-DC with some 303,226,334 structures.

10-01-2002, 03:27 PM
Congrats :cheers:

Those pesky knights are always causing problems! :jester:

10-01-2002, 04:18 PM
Given the past behavior of the KWSN, I'd give the odds at 1 in 1 that this "ARS WHO" person will be gone in a few days. Just like last time. And the time before. Team jumping is, of course, their #1 preoccupation.

If you look at the current state of their DF team, you see that juvenile antics are very much the order of the day over there. Has anyone else noticed how many of their users have changed their names to "KWSN robegeor?" This certainly screws up the Statsman stats. Not sure what other purpose it serves.

These childish attention-getting ploys are getting a little tedious.

Anyway, we need to step up our legitimate production. We're going to be stuck with #2 if we don't pck up the pace a little.

10-01-2002, 04:34 PM
:jester: Take it lightly, in the spirit in which offered...

OK, ARS WHO! If you're gonna hang out here, at least get crunchin'. No loafers allowed! :spank:

10-01-2002, 04:56 PM
Yeah, I laughed out loud when I saw him up there. Those guys are indeed a team full of misfits and happy go lucky scoundrels. ;)

I love those guys... :D

10-01-2002, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by ECL
Given the past behavior of the KWSN, I'd give the odds at 1 in 1 that this "ARS WHO" person will be gone in a few days.

its sponge bob square pants

this screwing with the stats is getting on my nerves

anybody think howard would be willing to fix this "feature"?

team jumping is one thing, that is any bodies choice, but the fact that the public/text stats that drives all of the good stats engines can be tricked like this is bad

i don't think its funny anymore

10-01-2002, 05:26 PM
I can sympathize with the stats problems, believe me. :)

I don't really get too worked up over the whole thing, though.

While we're discussing it, though...I'd LOVE it if Howard would give each user an ID that was unaffected by changes to their username (tied to their handle without giving the handle itself away), since that would make my life MUCH easier. Have each user's entry in the stats dump list his ID and life would be a breeze.

10-01-2002, 05:41 PM
Originally posted by FoBoT

its sponge bob square pants

this screwing with the stats is getting on my nerves

anybody think howard would be willing to fix this "feature"?

team jumping is one thing, that is any bodies choice, but the fact that the public/text stats that drives all of the good stats engines can be tricked like this is bad

i don't think its funny anymore

That reminds me of one of my developers who complained that there wouldn't be any problems with our applications if the users would stop using them the wrong way! :rolleyes:

The 'ground rules' for this project allow people to change their names as well as their teams. They also allow the same name to be used on different accounts ( Heck, have you seen how many people have decided to call themselves 'None' ;) ). They even allow different teams to have the same name, and it isn't just KWSN that do that - there are 3 Team Ninjas at present :D
The real problem ( if there is one ) is that the stats engine writers :thumbs: haven't properly catered for all of the valid possibilities ( or are happy with the compromises they have made :) ).

If you want a DC project that doesn't let you change your name or jump teams you could always go and try G@H :rotfl:


10-01-2002, 05:51 PM
you are right
it is a good feature

what fun

10-01-2002, 06:53 PM
Sadly, budget constraints at the asylum known as KWSN have forced us to reduce the level of medication for some of our more troubled members. The keeper of the budget has been sacked.

We also experienced a slight mix-up in the laundry department that allowed more than a few asylum "residents" to masquarade as medical practictioners for a short period of time (three weeks give or take). This not only allowed some of our most troubled members (Sir Fart, SBSp) to walk free of our observation, but also resulted in medication destined for "residents" to instead be administered to staff via some visually enhancing coffee. The laundry service staff has been sacked...and the staff has switched from coffee to tea.

Finally, our group has been under investigation by the British Dental Association concerning a certain instance involving gnomes and the application of dental appliances to sheep. While bound by HIPAA and non-disclosure, let's just say that the BDA is not a group to get on the bad side of, and that all members of KWSN from Montana have been sacked.

All is not lost though, we have passed the hat, and while not raising enough money for proper medication for our residents, we feel we do have enough to throw a seriously proper drunken fest. Granted, it is still being discussed as to whether administer the alcohol to the residents or just give it to the staff and hope that this whole ugly scene sorts itself out on its own.

Thank you for your patience in this matter,

KWSN_robegeor (the original one)

PS. Everyone relax. Look at it this way...Should KWSN fail outright at our mission, many of our members could eventually find their way to teams just like yours. Are you prepared to deal with such looneyness on your own teams? I think not. We serve a purpose.

PPS. Ni!

10-01-2002, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by Dyyryath
I can sympathize with the stats problems, believe me. :)

I don't really get too worked up over the whole thing, though.

While we're discussing it, though...I'd LOVE it if Howard would give each user an ID that was unaffected by changes to their username (tied to their handle without giving the handle itself away), since that would make my life MUCH easier. Have each user's entry in the stats dump list his ID and life would be a breeze.

Howard's response to this back in April was This. (http://www.free-dc.org/forum/showthread.php3?threadid=540&highlight=unique) Apparently we don't need that sort of information. :rolleyes:

10-01-2002, 07:28 PM
i think howard just didnt want to give out the handles, which is understandable. a second unique id would be pretty easy though (assuming the stats database is clean, which it should be since howard just rewrote it)... you could just run the handle thru some kind of hash to get a unique ID for stats purposes.

10-01-2002, 07:59 PM
Easier than that.
Who ever is in the database as #1 record = ID-0000001
right on down the line. Simple, quick and easy to implement.

10-01-2002, 08:36 PM
Yeah, I've asked for this on more than one occasion in the past and each time I've gotten a "I don't see why it's necessary" type of reply.

That's fine, as I'm sure Howard has plenty on his plate already, and lord knows he's doing a great job with the project even without this feature, but it's also the reason that I haven't bothered doing inter-team stats, more graphs, and ton of other really cool stuff.

Without a simple, reliable way to track an individual, it's just not worth the amount of my time that it would require to do.

Of course, if you guys want that kind of stuff, then you should see if you have any better luck moving it up Howard's priority list than I did. ;)

If someone can talk him into it, I'll do my part by making some additions to the stats system that you won't believe. :D

10-01-2002, 08:47 PM
i guess the problem is that these stunts don't really change his stats, since he knows the secret codes and his output is based on the sequential records

the problem is that all the good stats have to use his output, not his info :/

10-01-2002, 08:53 PM
:rolleyes: I dunno. We were pinging him pretty hard on lowering the upload size requirements.

Not sure about asking for too much all at once, like...

10-01-2002, 09:40 PM
Guess they didn't want to work after all...

10-02-2002, 03:17 AM
I'll take that risk for you ;)

Howard may display my name in pink from now on, but if it will convince Howard to make the job a lot easier for all the stats writers, I'm willing to take that punishment. It would just make it easier to find myself in the stats :p :D

/me goes to bump the old thread...

10-02-2002, 03:19 AM
I should warn you, the stance taken by ECL and FoBoT is exactly what's chasing folks like me off your various teams. There are plenty of lurkers on these forums, not to mention Guests looking around for a fun team to join.


Take a DEEP breath, and repeat after me:


10-02-2002, 03:52 AM
You are absolutely correct, stats aren't everything.

However...to a lot of people, the stats are the primary reason they run a DC client - people like to have fun and compete and the stats are more or less the only thing that can provide that. All the fun that KWSN! have had (doing team jumps and such) would also not have been possible if the stats wasn't available (when the project started, there wasn't anything called teams).

Therefore I firmly believe that good stats is important to getting new participants to the project.

10-02-2002, 07:46 AM
Originally posted by Halon50
I should warn you, the stance taken by ECL and FoBoT is exactly what's chasing folks like me off your various teams.

Take a DEEP breath, and repeat after me:


oh!! now i get it!

since you think its all the science and stats are not important, then I have to think the same way

you're saying I am wrong and you are right and I need to change to your way of thinking about it

i just need to ignore the stats

ok, now i get it

the solution seems to be to quit looking at the stats, gee how simple!!!! what a great solution, lets not try to improve the stats, lets quit keeping stats all together

it should be a big community pool with no individual stats, it should be like a communist society where everybody is equal and all members of the team contribute the same amount and all teams contribute the same amount

that is the answer!!! now i see the light

the way to write the stats engines is SIMPLE!!!!!

you just take the total structures contributed , 7,351,443,782 and divided by the number of teams to get each teams stats, so right now it looks like there is about 500 teams, so
7,351,443,782 divided by 500 is


so each team has 14.7 million stuctures and we are all #1 !!! :|party|: :|party|: :cheers:

good job everybody , we are #1!!!!!
and #2!!!!
and #3!!!!
and #4!!!!

now to get my individual stats, i just divide the total by the number of participants,
7,351,443,782 divided by 13,662 is

hey!! now i am tied with guzzler for #1 overall!!!!
and i am tied with xman for #1 overall!!!
and i am tied with moses for #1 overall!!!


i am not trying to tell anybody else what to think about stats, if you don't care about them that is fine. if the project owner doesn't care about them, that is fine also

if the project owner doesn't accept suggestions about the stats of the project , that is fine.

if asking about stats improvements makes me/us not "Fun" well you get what you get , i don't have a science book in front of me to find out how "Fun" it is to fold proteins

the stats vs science thing doesn't have to be a battle on this team or any other, it is what you make of it

10-02-2002, 07:51 AM
Originally posted by FoBoT

oh!! now i get it!


the stats vs science thing doesn't have to be a battle on this team or any other, it is what you make of it

And I'm really hoping it doesn't continue to be a "battle" here.

You want to have an argument about who is right or wrong, take it to email.

Lets try to keep this part of it "fun", painful as it may be. ;)


10-02-2002, 08:15 AM
Originally posted by Halon50
[B]I should warn you, the stance taken by ECL and FoBoT is exactly what's chasing folks like me off your various teams. There are plenty of lurkers on these forums, not to mention Guests looking around for a fun team to join.

What is your idea of fun? Apparently most of the teams aren't any fun for you since they are interested in stats. For some of us the stats ARE fun. I very much enjoy working on them and trying to make them better. I enjoy seeing what other people have done and are doing. Stats have allowed many people to show their exceptional skills at programming, design and presentation. Stats are behind some of the silly (meant in a good/bad way) team hopping that takes place. Stats are behind some of the friendly contests and the gauntlets that many seem to enjoy. I am very much interested in knowing what you consider fun because I really don't have any idea where you are coming from with your statement.

10-02-2002, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by Dyyryath
Of course, if you guys want that kind of stuff, then you should see if you have any better luck moving it up Howard's priority list than I did. ;)

If someone can talk him into it, I'll do my part by making some additions to the stats system that you won't believe. :D You better get started then Dyyryath: http://www.free-dc.org/forum/showthread.php3?s=&threadid=540

;) :cool: :D

10-02-2002, 12:34 PM
I'm ready Pointy, make no mistake! As soon as I start seeing identifiers in the stats, I'll get right on it!

I've got a bunch of things I'd like to implement just as soon as I can track users in an easy, reliable way. :thumbs:

10-02-2002, 07:02 PM
Doh! In my typical austere software-engineering-style of writing, free and devoid of smileys and extraneous information such as "Please take this with a grain of salt" or "Feel free to poke speaker in the eye whilst he does the Curly Shuffle over shag carpeting, then commences to lick the nearest mettalic doorknob," I appear to have rubbed everyone the wrong way (as always), and gotten a swollen tongue in the process too.

I'm truly sorry for making you think that I was badgering or trying to provoke you (plural) in any way. Indeed, I was merely trying to warn a couple team elements that negativity in any form tends to drive people away from the team in general. This is what I meant by the "fun" statement. It just isn't fun to hang around a place where a fella feels like he may be the next target, even if the comments are directed at another team. Like being slung buck naked into a 40-man paintball war while wearing a "Shoot Me" sign, I'm getting the dawning realization that maybe my style of writing just doesn't go over well here.

So anyways, my second and third(, 4th, ... , nth) statements still hold true: Stats aren't everything! Team spirit, comraderie, friendship, whatever you may call it in its many forms, is equally important--at least for most people who peruse forum boards. Please keep that in mind when something irks you; a misplaced bit of ire or a comment taken incorrectly (like my previous post :( ) can permanently damage the perceptions of the people who don't bother to post at all. There is a plethora of projects out there just begging for additional CPU time, so if one project has bothersome aspects, it may be time to move on to another.

10-02-2002, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by Halon50
...being slung buck naked into a 40-man paintball war while wearing a "Shoot Me" sign...


all right, i am coming for ya :spray:

Originally posted by Halon50
...so if one project has bothersome aspects, it may be time to move on to another....

or just do
ALL of them at once! :jester:

10-11-2002, 08:48 PM
Anyone who is tired of all the FREE-Dcom around here is encouraged to try a little ANARCHY (http://www.disney.com) .

That is all, please carry on.

Slightly edited for content -JT :)
Who else wants to pimp in our forum??

10-12-2002, 12:31 AM
Nice shot, JT! :thumbs: And FoBoT - love the graphics! And the sentiment!! :p

10-12-2002, 06:03 PM
Looks like you guys might have us on daily production, atleast at the moment.

I didn't expect it, but it looks as if it has happened.

Ars is pretty maxed out, so I expect no major outside help. It should be a good, close, long term battle again. :)

or is that :(

Either way, it should be fun.

10-15-2002, 02:40 PM
:D Look for a big change.

NI! :cheers:

10-15-2002, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by KWSN_Millennium2001Guy
:D Look for a big change.

NI! :cheers:
Wow. That is a big change :D
How long will you stay?

10-15-2002, 02:56 PM
congrats to the Free-KWSN team on taking first place again! ;) :cheers:

10-15-2002, 03:07 PM
Free-KWSN..... sounds sort of like Free Willy in some weird way. :p

Actually, I have no idea how long I'll stay, but I have been treated very kindly by Free-DC in the past and don't have any immediate needs anywhere else.

Who really knows how long anything will last?

NI! :|party|: :cheers:

10-15-2002, 03:11 PM
Thanks for giving us something to work on - I was already bored ;) :p :jester:

10-15-2002, 03:15 PM
I've noticed that you Stir-Fryers really don't like second place in anything. It's good for the project to keep something in front of you!

Have fun, let's see how long it takes with the new protein for you to pass Free-DC again.

Ni! :cheers: :p

10-15-2002, 03:33 PM
Everyone likes to be first don't they? ;)

You seem to like that too ;)

I personally don't care that much, I just hope we are helping science :)

UPDATE: In relation to this, I would like to ask KWSN how it feels to be number four ;) :moon: :jester:

10-15-2002, 03:59 PM
It seems that Auritania jumped ships again! I wish he would quit messing with the stats! It is really starting to piss off some people. ;)

:p :jester: :|party|: :thumbs:

10-15-2002, 04:06 PM
Looks like he ended up on OCN , perhaps to taunt the KWSN


10-15-2002, 04:30 PM
Originally posted by KWSN_Millennium2001Guy
I wish he would quit messing with the stats!:p :jester: :|party|: :thumbs: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

10-15-2002, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by KWSN_Millennium2001Guy
It seems that Auritania jumped ships again! I wish he would quit messing with the stats! It is really starting to piss off some people. That's the rules, if you don't like them, you are free to leave ;) :p :D :jester:

10-15-2002, 04:59 PM
You know, with Auritania visiting over at OverClockers, Free-DC would still be in first place even without my shrubs!


10-15-2002, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by pointwood
Everyone likes to be first don't they? ;)

You seem to like that too ;)

I personally don't care that much, I just hope we are helping science :)

UPDATE: In relation to this, I would like to ask KWSN how it feels to be number four ;) :moon: :jester:

It sure is better than being second :rolleyes:

Anyways, we are also 22nd, 327th and 402nd, so we jus plain don't care :crazy::haddock::jester::rotfl:

Ni! http://www.ninjamicros.com/vbulletin/images/smilies/smileyshot32.gif

10-15-2002, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by KWSN_Millennium2001Guy
You know, with Auritania visiting over at OverClockers, Free-DC would still be in first place even without my shrubs!

Ni!:rotfl: Yearh, but not if KWSN SpongeBob SquarePants also left ;)

Gunslinger: So, you prefer PINK to RED? That's interesting ;) :D

EDIT: Do all Knights prefer that color? If that's the case, I think Dyyryath could easily make some changes to your stats ;) :p :D

10-15-2002, 05:48 PM
Heh, I've actually been thinking about making our visiting knights ROYAL PURPLE in return for their timely aid. ;)

Since we're so vastly outnumbered (44 active crunchers to 157 active crunchers) by those unwashed hordes over at TSF :D, I'll be the first one to admit that I don't mind seeing the Knightly Cavalry come pounding in every time we start to get overrun. :thumbs: :D

I'm sure TSF will get us eventually, just by virtue of their legions of crunchers, but the longer it takes, the better! ;) :D

10-15-2002, 06:34 PM
I will second the ROYAL PURPLE , and Dyy's reason behind it.


10-15-2002, 07:00 PM
Sounds good to me :)


P.S. - Sorry my production is down..I'm moving..be back full soon.

10-16-2002, 02:37 AM
Some people at Ars, like some people everywhere, are obsessed with being #1.

Most of us just care about our teams and want them to do well. We chug along on our pet projects and as people get tired of other projects that Ars has teams in, they try out new projects and perhaps join us. Or they trickle in from the main Ars site. Or they see our various #1 teams and join us for that reason.

Regardless, most of us are just annoyed, I think.

Logically, I know that this is actually better for TSF than if it hadn't happened and that it will be very good motivation.

But, heck if I am not getting tired of someone starting a "congratulations" thread and then having us lose #1 within a day. :(

I feel like the boy who cried wolf.

New goal for TSF - outproduce Free-DC and KWSN! combined production (I don't imagine this will happen any time soon, but one can dream and it WOULD serve to nullify any future antics on the part of the Knights).

10-16-2002, 03:02 AM
No worries, mad-ness. As I said before, you guys will almost certainly overwhelm us sometime soon. You just have too many members for us to keep you at bay any longer.

The knights are entertaining themselves (and me ;) ), but we can't expect them to hang around helping us forever (though it sure would be nice :D ). You'll get your number one spot sooner or later....I just hope it's later. ;) :D

When that day does come, you can believe that I'll be posting in your final "Congratulations on #1" thread myself to commend you guys on a job well done. :cool:

10-16-2002, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by Dyyryath
No worries, mad-ness. As I said before, you guys will almost certainly overwhelm us sometime soon. You just have too many members for us to keep you at bay any longer.

The knights are entertaining themselves (and me ;) ), but we can't expect them to hang around helping us forever (though it sure would be nice :D ). You'll get your number one spot sooner or later....I just hope it's later. ;) :D

When that day does come, you can believe that I'll be posting in your final "Congratulations on #1" thread myself to commend you guys on a job well done. :cool:
Dyyryath, it was one thing when you just happened to benefit from teamswitchers, it is quite another to actively solicit them.:swear: While it may not be against the official rules of the project, one of the rules of honorable competition among DC teams has always been that you NEVER actively solicit members of other teams to switch to your own on their forums.

As far as I am concerned, you broke that rule with this post. (http://www.kwsnforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=786) While Free-DC may be technically the #1 team at the moment, I view Team Stir Fry as number one amoung honerable teams. I urge you to retract your solicitation to switch teams and remove this blemish upon Free-DC's reputation, one that previously was untarnished.

10-16-2002, 07:33 PM
Originally posted by Aegion

Dyyryath, it was one thing when you just happened to benefit from teamswitchers, it is quite another to actively solicit them.:swear: While it may not be against the official rules of the project, one of the rules of honorable competition among DC teams has always been that you NEVER actively solicit members of other teams to switch to your own on their forums.

As far as I am concerned, you broke that rule with this post. (http://www.kwsnforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=786) While Free-DC may be technically the #1 team at the moment, I view Team Stir Fry as number one amoung honerable teams. I urge you to retract your solicitation to switch teams and remove this blemish upon Free-DC's reputation, one that previously was untarnished.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

1) Many of us were jumping around before that post. :jester:
2) Dyyryath invited us to visit - if we had viewed his post as an attempt to make us switch teams permanently it would have been moderated very swiftly. :spank:
3) We would have to be complete LOONEYS to switch teams for purple names and a galloping charger! Oh! Ooops.... :o


10-16-2002, 07:38 PM
As far as I am concerned, urging a team to switch temperarily to screw up the rankings is at least as bad as soliciting them to switch permenently. I recognize the Knights may view such a solicitation as ok, but I don't think that excuses other teams from making it. People on Free-DC's team complained when we suddenly got the #1 position due to a teamswitcher from the Knights, imagine how angry they would have been if we had actively solicited for team switchers on the Knight's forum instead of the individual doing so on his own...

10-16-2002, 09:52 PM
Oh pooh-pooh, Aegion.

I complained when I thought that the JFK and Howell Labs was a DF project controlled account doing some team switching. After Howard explained the situation, I shut up about it.

The Knights seem to go where they please, and if someone wants to entice them with flashy stats features, then so be it.

TSF is always ready to say that anyone can go where they want in this project -

- and remember, we're all in it for the science. :D

Angus :|party|:

10-16-2002, 10:12 PM
Maybe Dyyryath can explain his reasoning here, for his conduct after making this comment (http://bane.free-dc.org/forum/showthread.php3?s=&threadid=1541) in a previous thread.

I couldn't stand for cheating, or the questionable practice of people blatantly attempting to recruit from other teams, but other than that, I'm pretty easy going about things.
Maybe Dyyryath feels that only recruiting individuals temperarily is ok, because otherwise it seems that he can't stand his own behavoir.

10-16-2002, 10:18 PM
Easy, Aegion, I think you're getting a little over zealous here.

KWSN's antics (team jumping, in this case ;) ) have NEVER been solicited by any member of Free-DC, myself included. Their coming to Free-DC (temporarily, I might add) was done entirely of their own volition without any kind of a request by me or anyone else here.

You seem to have taken my stats addition the wrong way, entirely. It was not done to 'entice' KWSN heavy hitters to join Free-DC as they'd already done so. Rather, it was simply my way of saying "thanks" and acknowledging some friendly support.

In fact, all it really does is make it more obvious that these individuals are Knights and not permanent members of Free-DC. If I'd truly wanted to solicit members from their team, I'd not have required a KWSN in their names.

Relax, Aegion, TSF's gonna wind up on top. I've said it repeatedly, already. You guys have worked hard, you've earned it, and you just have too many members for us to really do anything about it.

Don't let a little goofing off on our part and some friendly help from KWSN get you down. If it does, you *might* be taking this a bit too seriously. ;)

10-18-2002, 07:32 PM
Maybe Dyyryath feels that only recruiting individuals temperarily is ok, because otherwise it seems that he can't stand his own behavoir.

I don't often post to these forums, but this line did it...

I, for one, not only consider Dyrryath a teammate, but also a friend and reading the line above bothers me...

I think Dyy's probably one of the bigest overall advocates for distriubted computing that I'm aware of.... His creation and maint. of statistics pages (for many teams and projects) shows that he's willing to support many teams, and seems to never get too worked up over the stats issues, team jumping and taking the "competition" to an extreme level. The friendly and NOT overly excitable way he responds to comments that often ruffled my own feathers always impresses me.

If there's ONE person on the Free-DC team (or probably any team for that matter) that deserves respect, I think it's Dyy. Obviously others dissagree, but (also obviously) some people REALLY need a drink...

Where's that Emoticon for giving someone "the finger" when you need it..


10-18-2002, 07:58 PM
You really should post here more often, MashRinx. It's great therapy, and we promise to read your stuff.

If ya feel that strongly about it, share it! I couldn't even get a rise out of you on your birthday. :jester:

Good to hear from you. And I couldn't agree more. Ppl just get too caught up in the competition.

10-18-2002, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by Paratima
You really should post here more often, MashRinx. It's great therapy, and we promise to read your stuff.

Good to hear from you. And I couldn't agree more. Ppl just get too caught up in the competition.

MashRinx I agree with Paratima... Post here more often... enjoyed reading your thoughts and your right Dyyryath is the man, much repect for his support of all DC projects and he's huge efforts in brilliant stats.

10-19-2002, 10:13 AM

Damn I hate stuff like this :(

Aegion, your accusations against Dyyryath is simply not fair. I like and respect you (and Dyyryath) a lot, but you stepped over the line here.

The knights have been jumping around forever and Dyyryath just decided to make a little fun out of it :)

Spamming and recruiting on other team forums is a bad thing to do, but Dyyryath didn't do that and I'm 200% sure that was never, ever his intention either.

10-19-2002, 10:43 AM
All water under the bridge. Let's just let this one die out...
Keep up the great crunching effort everyone :D