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10-15-2002, 03:19 PM
I was just wondering why the statistics say that there are 216 users that have ever submitted work, while vfrey is the user having submitted the least worl ever, and he is number 203... :confused:

And I think it could be a nice feature to the stats, if they contained the n (and k) values that the users have tested (after all it's getting quite an achievement to crunch numbers as big as they are now!)...

10-15-2002, 04:11 PM
i'm impressed you noticed that.

reason is, the project used to assign trial blocks several months ago to have users trial factor n values rather than the factoring being done beforehand. there must be 13 users who completed trial blocks only. i could easily change that to include only only people who have completed n-values.

adding a list of which n-values... hmm. i'll think about it. i certainly don't have time to do that for a few weeks, but i know how it could be done.


10-17-2002, 07:59 PM
thanks... now that I've finally surpassed vfrey and added my first block, I got this message:

[Fri Oct 18 00:53:33 2002] residue: 6e5f1031be6b7ea
[Fri Oct 18 00:53:33 2002] completed proth test(k=27653, n=1841577): result 3

which I suppose is quite ordinary... I was just wondering, what it all means... I suppose that result 3 means: "Sorry mister! No prime for you!" And residue is problably quite irrelevant for me!

But, I wodered, since I got result 3, there must at least (I figure) be a result 1 and 2... one of them is probably "This number you've been working on, well..., you see it's a prime, and it's yours! ".

But what is the last message for? Errors? The number was neither composite nor prime (1)? If the number I was beating to pieces was actually a secret message from extra terrestial beings?

Mevs Tarje