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View Full Version : Breakdown of primes between n and n^2

11-13-2002, 02:43 PM
With the data from www.prothsearch.net/sierp.html i made a table with the primes of all K's below the lowest know sierpinski number found between n and n^2 starting with n=1. The last column is the number of primes found between the two

1 1 7328
2 3 10194
4 7 9582
8 15 6272
16 31 3045
32 63 1445
64 127 685
128 255 331
256 511 195
512 1023 114
1024 2047 47
2048 4095 34
4096 8191 26
8192 16383 11
16384 32767 18
32768 65535 12
65536 131071 5
131077 262143 5
262144 524287 2 *
524288 1048575
1048576 2097151
2097152 4194303
4194304 8388607

* k=67607 only searched until 400.000

As we all know, 17 first primes are still missing. But looking at above data i think there is one prime left below 1M and another one or two below 2M