View Full Version : PrimeGrid Record AP24 Found

11-05-2009, 01:36 AM
A new record AP24 (Arithmetic Progression of 24 primes) has been found. It is the largest known AP24. It has an ending term of 93004136079654607 surpassing the old record of 90769015637524109. The finder is Chris Wingate (skinny9699) of the United States. He is a member of the Ubuntu Linux team.The progression is written as 1948053460212667+17745794*23#*n for n=0..23. It was found in the AP26 Search. For more details on this find and the AP26 search, please see this forum post. http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/8oLBDm95cZS2-CS7-XAOIAl2sQE/0/di (http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/8oLBDm95cZS2-CS7-XAOIAl2sQE/0/da)
http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/8oLBDm95cZS2-CS7-XAOIAl2sQE/1/di (http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/8oLBDm95cZS2-CS7-XAOIAl2sQE/1/da)


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