View Full Version : DF Stats Update Thread

12-18-2002, 06:19 PM
Rather than starting new threads all over the place about everything that changes, I've decided to make just one that I'll simply keep adding to when new features become available.

With that in mind, this thread has two purposes:

Act as 'documentation' of sorts explaining the features of the stats system and how to use them
Notify users of new features as they become available and garner some feedback on things that either don't work quite right, or could be improved.

Eventually, I'll write some proper documentation on how to use all the stuff in the stats system, but for now, this is the place to check for details on what's available and how to use it. Obviously, you can also post questions here if you can't find what you need.

Any feedback on current features, or requests for new ones should also be posted here. I'm always looking for new ideas. ;)

With all that said, here's the link to the stats system home page:

Arachnid Stats System Home Page (http://stats.zerothelement.com)

From the system's home page you can get to everything else that is available.

12-18-2002, 06:30 PM
The following changes have been made:

Added hourly production graph to the team detailed stats pages.
Added daily production graph to the team detailed stats pages.
Modified hourly & daily production graphs to include commas in y-axis production values.
Dropped time portion of the datestamp on daily production graph's x-axis labels.
Modified hourly production graphs to skip every other x-axis datestamp label when displaying more than 24 entries to avoid making these labels unreadable.
Added option on team detailed stats pages to compute current threats by daily or weekly production values.
Modified team detailed stats pages to display dialog offering new options when clicking on a potential threat. You can now display a 'vs' graph showing hourly or daily production values or the other team's detailed stats page.

More changes are coming to this page in the next 24 hours...

12-19-2002, 12:14 AM
The following changes have been made:

Modified hourly & daily production graphs on user detailed stats pages to include commas in y-axis production values.
Dropped time portion of the datestamp on daily production graph's x-axis labels on user detailed stats pages.
Modified hourly production graphs to skip every other x-axis datestamp label when displaying more than 24 entries to avoid making these labels unreadable on user detailed stats pages.
Added option on team detailed stats pages to compute current conquests by daily or weekly production values.
Modified team detailed stats pages to display dialog offering new options when clicking on a upcoming conquest. You can now display a 'vs' graph showing hourly or daily production values or the other team's detailed stats page.
Fixed recurring issue where stats tables appeared empty during stats system update.

12-20-2002, 05:05 PM
Found & fixed a bug which resulted in a blank table while trying to display the 'All Teams' stats sorted by 'Active Users' or 'Total Users'.

12-22-2002, 12:54 PM
I've made a HUGE round of backend changes over the last 12 hours, some of which weren't compatible with the previous data storage schema. Rather than try to export 4 million+ entries and then re-import them into the new system, I've decided to reset the stats effective today at noon EST.

It will take a while before everything is back to normal as the database will need to build up at least 24 hours worth of data to make accurate predictions and such, but by this time tomorrow, things should be going smoothly again.

This change will facilitate a plethora of new options and a front end design change to the pages themselves. This stuff will be coming online over the next week. I think everyone will be pleased with the new features this will allow. :thumbs:

12-23-2002, 09:31 PM
The following changes have been made:

Added new site home page (http://stats.zerothelement.com/index.php). This page will be used for updates on the system, and status messages. All changes to the system will be posted here as well as whatever else I feel like rambling on about. ;)
Upgraded All Teams Page (http://stats.zerothelement.com/cgi-bin/distributed-folding/render-teams.pl) to use the new design style. This offers several new features and enhancements such as Quick User & Team Searches, Site Navigation, and some new Page Specific Options. More details can be found on the afore-mentioned Site Home Page (http://stats.zerothelement.com/index.php)

12-24-2002, 11:47 AM
Found & fixed a bug on the new 'All Teams Page' which prevented the sortable columns from working correctly.

12-30-2002, 02:03 AM
The following changes have been made:

Added 'Page Specific Options' tab to the Site Home Page (http://stats.zerothelement.com/index.php) allowing users to store the state of the page for future viewing
Upgraded the team detailed stats pages to the new design. This adds an expandable/collapsible navbar with a plethora of new options to the left side of the screen. Users can now turn on & off whole sections of this page as well.
Confirmed HTML 4.01 Transitional & CSS2 validations for all pages using the new designs. All future pages will also be validated before going live.

This thread is just a quick list of changes. For more information about what's happening, you can check the Site Home Page (http://stats.zerothelement.com/index.php) at any time. It's being regularly updated as I continue to improve the system.

Digital Parasite
01-01-2003, 09:15 AM
Hey everyone, Happy New Year!!! :|party|:

Dyyryath: Something seems to be messed up with your stats now. When I go to the Ars TSF team page it shows users ranked starting from rank 19 even though it is suppose to be starting from the first. If I click on "Next Page", the HTML url show start=50 as expected but the first person on the page is rank 136.

Something is fubared.


01-01-2003, 03:05 PM
Yup. It looks like I stumbled across some kind of Perl DBI bug. I'm looking into it now. In the meantime, I've made some changes to the way the spider works to keep that from being a problem.

They should be up again now, albeit with a pretty good size hole in the data from last night. ;)

There are some more details about this right here (http://stats.zerothelement.com/index.php).

Thanks for the heads up, DigitalParasite! :thumbs:

01-03-2003, 07:17 PM
Hey Dyy. You got a semi-unhappy customer. The thread is here (http://www.free-dc.org/forum/showthread.php?s=&postid=18193#post18193) . :)

01-04-2003, 02:49 PM
I've added a host of new features over the last several days as well as fixing a bunch of small bugs. More information is available right here (http://stats.zerothelement.com).