View Full Version : So how did we do in CASP5???

Scott Jensen
12-27-2002, 04:54 PM
In the News section, it said we'd find out in early December how we did in CASP5. Well, it's late December now so I assume the results were sent out. So how did we do in comparison to everyone else???

12-27-2002, 05:09 PM
See http://free-dc.org/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=2056

There are a lot of numbers for us to pore through in order to figure out exactly how we did (yes, it is not so straightforward as it sounds). We will post a complete 'report' as soon as we have gone through all the relevant numbers. While I can tell you we did not 'win', we appear to have done reasonably well considering our algorithm is still in its infancy compared to many of the other participants. Clearly brute force alone is not sufficient to predict protein structures but in combination with a 'smart' algorithm we believe it can far exceed what anyone else will be able to do without DC. As we continue to test new enhancements to our current basic algorithm and scoring functions, we expect to see great improvements in our ability to sample structures and pick out low energy ones. Anyhow, will provide more details once we've analyzed the results.
Of course, I would like to know more details too.