View Full Version : block testing question

12-31-2002, 03:54 PM
Maybe dumb question...

I've had my client go from:

28 blocks left in test
27 blocks left in test
26 blocks left in test

etc and stop at 25. Does that mean someone else was testing the same N and finished before me? Or did i find a composite number and aborted the rest of the test?

I watched as one went to 0 blocks left, does that mean the client thinks it found a prime??


01-01-2003, 08:07 AM
Originally posted by Cowering
Maybe dumb question...

I've had my client go from:

I watched as one went to 0 blocks left, does that mean the client thinks it found a prime??


I can't reply to first part of question, only to second one: Every test's divided into 250k cEM long blocks - user can see progress and think it's doing something. When it reaches mark of 250k cEMs, it starts new block and (optionally) report to server, that there's some progress. When you finish all blocks in test, test's completed and result is sent to SoB and you receive new test.

I think, that only SoB knows when you discover prime, it isn't written anywhere in client, beause it's doing only test for probable prime...so even when your client reports positive result it may not be prime after all.

01-01-2003, 12:55 PM
Another possibility:

When the test expired after "26 blocks left", it would show that behaviour, wouldn't it?
Just an idea, I don't know about the circumstances.

Maybe the log file can bring some light into this case?

01-01-2003, 02:32 PM
Intermediate blocks (=blocks) are sent to SB so as test doesn't expire, when it expires, it writes sthg like : unable to send result, test abandoned...

01-01-2003, 05:50 PM
Intermediate blocks (=blocks) are sent to SB so as test doesn't expire

That's why the circumstances are needed to make a proper guess. Maybe it's a PC at work and he wasn't in his office over christmas...

when it expires, it writes sthg like : unable to send result, test abandoned...

As I said: Maybe the log file can bring some light into this case?
He didn't mention the log file...

01-02-2003, 12:41 AM
Right, let's wait for log...:)

01-02-2003, 10:15 AM
Sorry, the log for the 27..26..25..stop one has rolled over. The one that went to 0 blocks printed something about 'residue' and a large hex number, then a 'result=3'

Maybe that means something

01-02-2003, 11:02 AM
I think, that only SoB knows when you discover prime, it isn't written anywhere in client, beause it's doing only test for probable prime...so even when your client reports positive result it may not be prime after all.

well... it allways ends up with the same return value in 'result'.
residue = alot, result = 3.

I think that one of the result = 2 and result = 1 means that the client believes to have found a prime... I can't think of anything to use the last result value for (other than, that, in fact, the client wasn't working on a hidden message from extraterrastials

:rolleyes: ).