View Full Version : Small automation utility...

01-10-2003, 04:59 PM
Starts sb, pushes the start button, and terminates. Helps when running the client as a service, or to place a shortcut to in your startup folder.

To use, place in sb dir and execute. Expects sb.exe, works only for windows client v1.0.0.

click (1760 bytes) (http://members.rogers.com/nbozovic/sbautostart.exe)

If everything goes well, the return code is 0. Otherwise:

retcode = 1: failed to create process
retcode = 2: timed out waiting for process to go idle
retcode = 3: other error waiting for process to go idle, full error code is printed to the console
retcode = 4: failed to get a handle for the main sb window
retcode = 5: failed to get a handle for the sb start button
retcode = 6: sb didn't process the message(s)