View Full Version : dfGUI v2.1 for Windows available (With Source)

Digital Parasite
01-18-2003, 07:16 PM
A new version of dfGUI has been released (v2.1). This new version has a couple new features and fixes the display problems people with large fonts have been seeing.

You can get it in the regular location:

v2.1 (Jan. 18, 2003)
- Added right click popup menu to task bar icon with option to Exit dfGUI.

- Removed Config "roll-up" button and replaced with a new button to open a seperate Config window. People with different size fonts had problems with the old roll-up method. This should be good for everyone.

- Added "Save Config" button so that you can now save your config to the .ini file right away instead of waiting to close dfGUI. The GUI still saves your Config data on close as well.

- Added ability to log GUI status information to dfGUI.log file every specified # of minutes.

MD5 Sum:
3c6ecd7ad80ecb1973ae3f5dd900a14e dfGUIv21.zip
3401d78ca81805e38676e21c875c5f4b dfGUIv21src.zip

If you have any problems please let me know.


Screen Shots:


03-02-2003, 12:53 PM
I found a bug this morning... where it came from, dunno.
I get two instances running for no reason and it slows it down.
Doesn't happen often.

03-02-2003, 01:28 PM
Ok, I found away around the problem. :p
You need to put shortcuts for dfGui and foldit.bat in your startup group. If you are running DF as a service, this allows you to monitor it without it trying to restart extra copies. ;)
This also make the foldit.bat window on the task bar, go hidden, for those that don't run it as a service. :D

03-02-2003, 01:40 PM
Whoopsie, a tad to enthusiastic... if dfGui doesn't start the client, then it won't go hidden :(
so change it to start it up automatically only. :bang:
and be sure to remove the shortcut to foldit.bat from the StartUp

03-02-2003, 04:59 PM