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View Full Version : RedHat 8 Distributed Folding Help

01-23-2003, 07:52 AM
I'm a total Linux newbie, so please bear with me...

I'm trying to get Distributed Folding up and running on RedHat Linux 8.0. The machine isn't that fast, (dual 650mhz), but it is sitting around doing nothing so I figured I might as well.

I downloaded the Linux on Intel text client. I got it onto the machine and unzipped just fine. Now I followed the directions (I RTFM'ed, amazingly enough) , and typed "foldit" in the terminal window, while in the "distribfold" directory.

I get an error message that says:
bash: foldit: command not found

So, what am I doing wrong? Also, what do I need to do on a Linux client to keep both processors chugging on DF? I know what to do on a Wintel box, but not here.

Any help would be great.



01-23-2003, 09:38 AM
Add './' before the command (minus the quotes) so it should look like ./foldit
It tells the OS to look for the program in the current directory.

Merely typing foldit the OS tries to find the program in the directories specified in your PATH environment variable. To see that type echo $PATH


01-23-2003, 09:52 AM
To use both processors, you create two directories, just like the Windows version. Then run ./foldit in both of them separately. The kernel is smart enough to see that they're both CPU-bound processes, and puts them on separate CPUs (or at least, it should).

01-23-2003, 09:58 AM
Thanks, guys!

Both instructions were right on target, and I'm bringing the spare capacity online now. :D
