View Full Version : RNAWorld WU reload

09-10-2010, 03:44 PM
As a consequence of the recently experienced WU shortage we have spent the past week processing much more work. A series of CMC WU archives has been uploaded to the server and is currently pouring into the hooked-up Linux-x64 machines (Windows will be served with CMC thereafter). Due to the longer runtimes, these WUs should in the first place keep the Linux-x64 boxes busy for a while. In parallel to that, we have decided to again close in on the large eukaryotic genomes (but this time limited to 5-50 MB in size if uncompressed to avoid RAM issues on your machines). Therefore, a large set of CMSEARCH WUs containing these genomes has now been deposited on the server as well and will be delivered to the remaining systems. We expect these to also cause extended runtimes. These two procedures should help reduce your client machine's WU requests and give our server some time to generate progressingly more work for you. Of course, additionally we have significantly increased the number of WUs the server will have to have ready in store for future requests. During this attempt of refilling our machine, it would be helpful if you guys could try not to bunker work, so that all machines can be saturated for a while with 'long runners'. We are considering hooking up additional servers to RNA World as soon as possible to increase our capacity of WU preparation. Irrespective of the trouble caused due to the massive WU requests from your side over the past two weeks, I would like to thank you for your massive support which allowed for the completion of a really amazing amount of work in a very short period of time.Angesichts der Tatsache, dass unser Server mit der WU Produktion trotz ausreichender Arbeitsarchive nicht mehr nachkam, haben wir die letzte Woche damit verbracht, Lösungen für das Problem zu finden. Es wurden massiv neue Archive für CMC und CMS erzeugt und auf dem Server bereitgestellt. Die Laufzeiten dieser Archive sind länger, als was wir bislang im Angebot hatten. Zuerst werden CMCs an Linux-x64 ausgegeben, um diesen Typ von Maschinen abzusättigen (Windows wird danach bedient). Parallel dazu werden wir einen zweiten CMSEARCH Versuch starten, die grossen Eukaryonten Genome zu bearbeiten. Diesmal haben wir die GenomgröÃ

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