View Full Version : When will the country stats be fixed?

05-29-2003, 06:08 AM
Yes, I'm having a little fun with you.

I just noticed today that my personal rate was more than 3 times my country rate, so....

05-29-2003, 07:08 AM
I voted for never, because I think that they are more difficult to do than one could think ... Zetagrid has tried to implement this as well, but it also doesn't work. If you browse around in this forum you will find a lot of posts about the country stats!

05-29-2003, 07:45 AM
Yes, the complaints started almost before the stats were posted. I've always thought we should select our country and be done with it. Open to abuse? yes, but I would like to believe that people who make a real contribution to a project like this are more mature than the general populace or the short-timers who choose to pick a strange country.

For instance, I am now a bit over 6T in production. If 100 short-timers (lets say 5M production or less) picked Antarctica or outer-no-wheresville, it's still less than my total, which WILL say Canada.

05-29-2003, 08:24 AM
Originally posted by dmbrubac
Yes, the complaints started almost before the stats were posted. I've always thought we should select our country and be done with it. Open to abuse? yes, but I would like to believe that people who make a real contribution to a project like this are more mature than the general populace or the short-timers who choose to pick a strange country.
I agree, even though I thought so otherwise during the complaints. I thought that then maybe they could get fixed, so I don't make up all of Switzerland (which I'm sure I don't!). And come to think about it: who cares if some idiots select Iraq? At least Switzerland will be higher up ;)

05-29-2003, 08:32 AM
But not, I am afraid, higher than Canada! :Pokes: :neener:

05-29-2003, 11:59 PM
I have no problem removing public access to the country stats if people don't want to see the estimates.

the country stats existed before they were public and they will exist after i remove them from public view. like it says, they're just estimates. i don't see why you wouldn't want the option to see them.

that said, i looked into why dmbrubac's stats weren't right. i noticed that of the ips he's submited from, one was tagged 'us' so I went ahead and remarked it 'ca'. this however, gave Canada 50T worth of production and made them #2 behind the US. I was a little surprised to see that in addition to dmbrubac's 6T worth of production, 44T more was coming from his IP too.

as it turns out the country stats don't work though the sbp.pns.net proxy. this is why the majority of dmbrubac's stats didn't show up for canada. i have edited the country stats to exclude sbp.pns.net (which removes about 50T worth of work and 3M/s rate from the US). all stats routed though the proxy were previously credited to the US since the proxy is indeed, in the US. Now it's seperated into it's own line. sorry for the inaccuracy. i wasn't aware of that one until just now.

if anyone still believes their IP has an incorrect or incomplete RIPE record, just make a polite request for me to check it out and i'll make sure it's right. i'll look into dealing with the proxy stuff later.


05-30-2003, 12:22 AM
Well, I know that ORU is smack dab in the middle of the US:

inetnum: -
netname: ORU
descr: Oral Roberts University
country: US

adding ORU to the US stats should move it up a bit from the 9.40 M cEMs/s that is currently attributed to US.

Think you could hook us up? Louie? Thanks.

05-30-2003, 04:06 AM
OK, those IPs are now correctly reported as US.


05-30-2003, 05:40 AM
Thank you Louie

This is the first time, anyone with the power to do anything about it has said anything useful about this.

I am 100% sure that the University of Copenhagen (KU) is in Denmark, and that's where I submit 99,999% (I have a 200 MHz Pentium at home doing a little work a couple of hours a day) og my work from:

The whois-record doesn't tell that the IP's belong to KU, but instead they just say:


OrgName: Danish Computer Centre for Research and Education
Address: Building 305, DTH
Address: DK-2800 Lyngby
Country: DK


OrgName: Danish Computer Centre for Research and Education
Address: Building 305, DTH
Address: DK-2800 Lyngby
Country: DK

I don't bother finding the complete list of IP's belonging to KU, but the /24's belonging to the mentioned IP's do.


BTW: I don't believe this is going to fix the stats, I once calculated that more than 70% of the recent work weren't counted at all in the country stats. I don't think that many participants read this forum, so until you start using other methods (like user selection of country or whois lookups), this is going to continue.

05-30-2003, 06:11 AM
Thanks Louie

I will try to redo my setups to come in on sb.pns.net, then we can get my production switched over.

I will send you an email when all my machines have been done.

Thanks again! I'm glad a little humour helped you discover something new.

Dave B

05-30-2003, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by jjjjL
OK, those IPs are now correctly reported as US.


Thanks. :)

05-30-2003, 01:25 PM
Hi Loiue,

Could you please take a look at my account. I am from South Africa, yet I do not see South Africa in the country stats.

Not a major crisis but if you are already looking it would be greatly appreciated.


06-02-2003, 09:12 PM
Uh . . .like where's the tacos?

/whoops . . .this is not Ars Technica . . .J/K

Uh . . .really . .. not enough options to choose from. What about a write-in category?



06-07-2003, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by dmbrubac
But not, I am afraid, higher than Canada! :Pokes: :neener:

excuse me? Switzerland has just overtaken Canada :neener: :haddock:

06-07-2003, 12:23 PM
Maybe, but almost none of my 7+ T production was counted for Canada. 24hr production today for Canada was 132 k. Mine was 1.1 M. :confused:


So, what are the country stats? :bs:

By the way, I'm swiss on my fathers side, so I wan't to see Switerland do well - just not quite as well as Canada!

06-08-2003, 09:34 AM
i realized it wouldn't be too hard to make a script similar to the pending test management page to allow people to update their IP-->country translantions.

So it's online now! :) http://www.seventeenorbust.com/account/ipCountry.mhtml [requires login]

I updated 3 of my IP addresses that were NULL. Out of 105, I'd say I was rather lucky. Then again, IP resolution is a lot better for those here in "the states". Let me know how your updating goes.


06-08-2003, 09:36 AM
PS - since this poll started last month, technically only the lone person who voted for "Next month" was right. ;)

06-08-2003, 01:47 PM
PS - since this poll started last month, technically only the lone person who voted for "Next month" was right.

Woohoo! :|party|:

And thanks for the ip fix too!


06-08-2003, 06:39 PM

Thanks a lot, Louie