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View Full Version : Tru64 client still core dumps

06-23-2003, 09:33 AM

The Tru64 UNIX version of the client still core dumps. I've had it happen 4 times all on different systems. They stopped on the following generations: 95, 77, 10, & 10.

The error is still: Floating exception(coredump)

I'm able to restart the client and it seems to continue from where it left off when it aborted.

Let me know what you need to see.


Brian the Fist
07-02-2003, 02:50 AM
You seem to know moret this than me ;) It's clearly a compiler flag issue so if you have any other suggestions we can try I'll give it a shot and e-mail you the binary.

07-02-2003, 03:03 PM
Actually I don't more about it. I've never done any programming in a UNIX environment of any kind. I found that compiler switch looking thru a Tru64 discussion group. It's http://www-archive.ornl.gov:8000/archive/power.htm if you're intereseted.

In that group I found the suggestion to modify the code to ignore the exception as follows:

> Regarding your floating exception error:
> > a 'Floating Exception' is merely a signal the kernel sends to the
> process. The signal is called 'SIGFPE', and, by default, a process
> dumps core.
> > If you are absolutely certain that it should merely continue on it's
> way, ignoring this, you could tell the process to ignore the signal:
> > #include <signal.h>
> ...
> signal( SIGFPE, SIG_IGN );
> /* here is the code that causes the sigfpe
> signal( SIGFPE, SIG_DFL );
> ...

What do you think?

Thanks for looking into it. It seems like you don't have too many Tru64 contributors so I appreciate it.


Brian the Fist
07-17-2003, 12:45 PM
Do you have a machine, which I could access, with Tru64 and the dbx debugger on it? I should be able to easily fix this problem with the debugger, but alas our Tru64 has no debugger license! If you just make me a normal user account on one of your boxes I can quickly run it, see what line its crashing on (I'm suspecting a marginal divide-by-zero here) and then I can correct for it.


07-17-2003, 01:12 PM

I just want to verify, you need just dbx and not ladebug? If that's the case, I'll set up an account for you and e-mail the username/password to you. If you need ladebug, I'll have to install it first which will take time.

You'll need SecureShell to log in since that's the only port we allow incoming connections. The PC version often used is Putty which can be downloaded free at:


I use it from home all the time.

The client has been running with about 1-4 aborts per night out of 20-22. I just hope the data I'm returning is valid.

PS: I knew you wouldn't abandon me. :)
