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View Full Version : Howard, I need your help please

07-09-2003, 07:29 PM

From reading posts in here and looking at some of my temp directories, it would appear that there are lots of unexplained temporary files on my HDs.

Could you please tell me what files are getting placed in directories other than my client directory (C:/distribfold) so I may clean things up a bit.



07-10-2003, 05:21 AM
If you stop your client, you can nuke all the files in the temp & tmp directories. do that while the client is still running, and horrible things will happen.

Brian the Fist
07-10-2003, 10:39 PM
And files not in your folding directory and not in TEMP do not belong to us...

07-11-2003, 06:53 AM
I had assumed that not every file in my temp directory was from DF.....

Can you tell me the naming scheme of the files DF puts there so I may delete only the ones from DF to prepare for a clean install of your client.



07-11-2003, 09:30 AM
Originally posted by Brian the Fist
And files not in your folding directory and not in TEMP do not belong to us...

And what about the foldtraj.ini in the windows directory.... :crazy:

07-11-2003, 02:22 PM
The TEMP files naming format is nnn_nnnn.xxx where xxx is cdx, dbf, and fpt for three files; nnn and nnnn are numbers and the nnn_nnnn combo is unique per run. There is also a fourth file that is nnn_nnnn where nnn and nnnn are also numbers (not always the same number of digits as the number of "n"'s however).

I modified my foldit.bat with the following line as the first line:
set TMP=D:\files\Folding\tmp
This puts the temporary files in the described folder where you can look at the format yourself... (Works for Win'98, W2K, XP)
Yes... it is the TMP environment variable that works, not the TEMP variable....


07-11-2003, 04:45 PM
Thanks Ned!

That's exactly what I needed.



07-12-2003, 01:18 AM
for single processor systems.. take a look for the DFTEMP description in an old post..