View Full Version : Just How Bad Do You Need Stats?

07-10-2003, 05:42 PM
Is it bad enough to use a service like this? :crazy: :crazy:


Yeah, I know, I've got it bad. ;)

The worst thing is...this is just the beginning. :D

I'm tinkering with a whole bunch of different WAP/WML stuff for Arachnid. I've also nearly completed a SOAP interface for it to allow others to pick and choose info from the database directly.

I'll probably post a picture of the PDA version later. It takes advantage of the larger screen provided by my Zaurus to display some graphs & stuff. It looks pretty swanky, actually. :D

07-10-2003, 07:37 PM
Nahhh..... Of course not.

Umm...... Maybe......

07-10-2003, 07:40 PM
That is just too :smoking: I like it! :D

07-10-2003, 07:59 PM
w00t !! Not as cool as the 2.4 Ghz box I just bought off eBay for a grand total of $53 :cheers:

Well, maybe it is as cool.... That really is a cool thing that would save me having to check every 10 minutes.... (Knowing full well that things are upgraded hourly)

07-10-2003, 08:16 PM
I decided to do this over the 4th of July weekend when I was down at the beach. I didn't want to lug a laptop around, but my phone couldn't handle the full Arachnid site. I figured when I got back I'd see what I could do for a 'quick fix' of stats during those times I was away. ;)

So...tell us about this $53 box! :shocked:

07-10-2003, 08:39 PM
Brand new Intel Celeron 2.4 Ghz box. :cool: Hope to have it up and running as a Linux box by mid-next-week :

Intel P4 Celeron 2.4GHz at 400FSB with DDR400/8xAGP Motherboard
Fully Upgradable with 533+ FSB, 5 PCI & 1 AGP, 3x DDR400, 4x ATA133, 2x USB2.0
LC4x6 L2 ATX Case with 10 Open Drive Bays, Front USB and 300W P4 Power Supply

No memory (or HD) that'll set me back another $50... But I've discovered that I can stick in a cheap ( $14) CD drive, boot Knoppix off the CD, NFS mount some share on the network and run DF from there just fine, nothing else required. I'd have two other boxes running like that, if I wasn't out of ports on the KVM..... (And needing to go buy a 16 port switch, too....)

*** Got an idea for building headless boxes that cost about $100 per 1 Ghz board, and I can run 7 of them off a single 350 Watt PS *** Doing a proof-of-concept with a pair of boards probably early in August....

07-10-2003, 08:47 PM
Do you mean the 1 ghz cyrix "Nehemiah" processor boards. The ones that are about 4 in by 6 in. (or 6in by 4in.) I would use two power supplies for seven of them. Heck. You proably could fit 3 or four a in mid-size tower. I could fit all of seven of them in my case, if I took the six CD-ROM bays out. Along with the two power supplies. Be a shweet crunching box. 7 ghz in one full size tower. :drool:

07-10-2003, 09:28 PM
:cry: No stats in 3hours :help:

07-10-2003, 09:38 PM
Unfortunately, it's the project stats. They're completely boogered. The file that we get to do stats on contains only 1 team and 1 extra empty file. :(

07-10-2003, 09:40 PM
Something along those lines. The draw is less than 30 watts per board, so a 350 watt PS runs 7 of them, one hard drive and one CD rom just about right.

Only one board is connected to the HD and CD, the other 6 run headless with just a LAN connection into an 8 port switch, they NFS mount partitions on the main board.

Net result is 7*1 Ghz, running off one power supply, in the space of one full size case. :D

If I can get them running, I'll sell them to IronBits or PCZ :D They could put in about 7x the crunching power they have now, and in roughly the same amount of space and with the same power draw.......


AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I hate it when the stats are down....:crazy: :looney: :bang:

07-10-2003, 09:59 PM
Please don't tell me you've uploaded stats on your phone?

I'm not sure I can handle that. I mean..I am way open minded. I try not to judge..but this is killing me. :D

07-10-2003, 10:36 PM
rsbriggs, if you want to attract the "ironbit" market, you better find an AMD solution :whip:

07-10-2003, 10:41 PM
were do I sign up.
Stats I need Stats. Gimmie more Stats. Must have Stats. Arghhhh!!!

07-11-2003, 12:10 AM
Cool, Dyyryth. I don't use the web stuff on my phone, because Sprint's pricing is rediculous. I still think it is nifty, though, and I would use it occasionally if Sprint ever gets a clue.

In theory (I've never gotten it to work), I can get text messages. My bank set up something with Sprint where you dial a number, and it texts you your account balances. That would be way too fancy and expensive for getting stats, though.

While I'm fantasizing, I used to have a nifty Motorola pager that got news headlines every hour. Now, if my stats were sent to me every hour when they update, I might even be tempted to get another pager. Or if I got paged every time I passed someone, or they passed me.

07-11-2003, 01:08 AM
Heh. This is one of the Sprint 'Vision' phones. The 'Vision' part is about 15 bucks a month extra (on top of my regular plan), but that covers unlimited access. I actually use it quite a bit. My servers at work send me email notices when there are problems and I've using it to check up on my home systems more and more. It's pretty handy for getting the weather & whatnot as well. I can read the news on it, but I generally only do that when I'm *really* bored. ;)

The page you see above is the following one:


It's just a dynamic page that is formatted simply enough to be useful on a phone. Any phone that can access the Internet could use it. You'd simply replace the number at the end (i.e. the 553), with your own user id. You can find this by clicking on your name in the Arachnid stats and looking in the resulting address bar.

I've also got a larger PDA version and a pure WML/WAP version (for phones/services that can't handle HTML) nearly ready to go.

PY 222
07-11-2003, 01:11 AM
Dyy, what will you think of next?

You are really a stats god! Great work man! :notworthy

07-11-2003, 09:44 AM
Very nice Dyyryath :smoking:

Makes me want to buy that SE P800 phone even more ;)

07-11-2003, 10:10 AM
how about just the regular stats?
are they down? no updates since 1700 yesterday? :cry:

07-11-2003, 10:26 AM
Hey Dy . . .how does one go about setting up their PCS phone to receive their DF or Seti stats?


Originally posted by Dyyryath
Is it bad enough to use a service like this? :crazy: :crazy:


Yeah, I know, I've got it bad. ;)

07-11-2003, 10:37 AM
FoBoT: Yeah, the official stats are boogered, too. :(

Jammy: If you have a Vision capable PCS phone (or actually any phone that can access the web), then you'd just use the mini-browser to go to the page listed above, substituting your Id for mine (yours is 14836). Of course, that will just give you your DF stats. I'm not aware of anyone doing something similar for SETI.

The URL for you would be:


07-11-2003, 11:04 AM
Thanks Dy! My cell phone is web enabled (no Visions capable just yet though) and I never knew that I could keep track of my DF stats with it. Now I can use my phone at work instead of a computer (the computers there are busy doing loan stuff).

So is the enabling of the teams DF stats via cell phone an innovation of yours? If so . . .:notworthy


Originally posted by Dyyryath

Jammy: If you have a Vision capable PCS phone (or actually any phone that can access the web), then you'd just use the mini-browser to go to the page listed above, substituting your Id for mine (yours is 14836). Of course, that will just give you your DF stats.

07-11-2003, 11:08 AM
Grrr - now /me is going to need to go buy a cell-phone contract and a cell phone, just to be able to do this cool stats things......

07-11-2003, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by Jammy
So is the enabling of the teams DF stats via cell phone an innovation of yours? If so . . .:notworthy

Well, I'm the only one doing it that I'm aware of, but I'm not sure I'd go so far as to call it an innovation. More like, a logical progression as mobile phones & PDAs become more capable on the Internet. ;)

I am working on something that could probably be considered an honest to God innovation for phones & distributed computing, but it's not quite ready yet, so we'll see. :thumbs:

rsbriggs: LOL :D You can never have too many electronic gizmoos anyway. ;)

07-11-2003, 01:22 PM
OMG . . .I must also run and hurry and buy that LG VX4400 I have been planning to get!

Jammy :elephant:

/me has to hurry, has to hurry . . .

Originally posted by rsbriggs
Grrr - now /me is going to need to go buy a cell-phone contract and a cell phone, just to be able to do this cool stats things......

07-11-2003, 02:45 PM
I know that Stephen Brooks over at DPAD had WML stats available, so you might want to talk to him. Personal ranking and team rankings right on my little phone. Or in my case the wireless Cybiko network throughout my house..

Originally posted by Jammy
So is the enabling of the teams DF stats via cell phone an innovation of yours?

Well, I'm the only one doing it that I'm aware of, but I'm not sure I'd go so far as to call it an innovation.

Also, one of the SETi teams, I forget which (S@G or S@NL), had WML stats a while ago. Don''t know what happened there..

But they are major cool!

07-11-2003, 05:55 PM
Ah, that actually makes me feel somewhat better. I was a little worried that I'd gotten completely carried away! ;) :D

The actual implementation is pretty easy. WML is much simpler (though a little different) than HTML, so if you can build a web page, you can easily build WML pages (or cards I should say ;) ).

I'll probably do some more of this in the following weeks...

07-12-2003, 12:06 AM
NOw if I can only get my F@H and TPR-SOB stats on my phone.

And people thought caller ID was cool.

07-12-2003, 04:56 AM
Ask and you shall receive:

for ecc2:
http://marcc.no-ip.org/tvm/userstats.php to find your userID
for f@h:
http://marcc.no-ip.org/ter/userstats.php or http://marcc.no-ip.org/ter/userstatsfdc.php to find your userID
for SoB:
http://marcc.no-ip.org/sob/userstats.php to find your userID

Just replace the User_ID part with your own.

:notworthy You guys are even sicker than I am.

I mean that in a good way.



07-12-2003, 06:52 AM
I will resist the temptation to demand that stats be sent to my mobile whilst I am on holiday.
I will be away for a week :cheers:

Don't expect my normal output during this time :(
I think most of the PC's will either run out of memory or crash because of the heat.
The south of England is quite hot at the moment.

:spank: ARS whilst I am away :D


07-20-2003, 07:49 PM
OK - you got me hooked. Not only did I figure out my user number (18747) so I could look at the little web page, I went out and signed up for the service AND bought one of the cute little phones.....

Of course, UserFriendly has already made a comment about them - here is a link to the second or third in the sequence:


:D :D

07-20-2003, 09:11 PM
LOL :rotfl:

That's a good one. I had missed out on UF for a few weeks.

So, how do like your new phone, oh fine-boned one? :p

07-20-2003, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by rsbriggs
http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/?id=20030621&mode=classic Those got REALLY funny when they started fighting over the thing. "MUST PLAY WITH LIGHT-UP TOY!!"


And this (http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/?id=20030624&mode=classic) one is even funnier. Pitr and the arcade claw-thing... :D

07-20-2003, 09:42 PM
Yep. Love that comic strip. My first stop on the internet every morning.

As far as the phone goes, trying to absorb all the new features - outlook sync, mobile dial up, web access, etc.... Seems great so far, if ONLY I COULD USE it...

Due to "a unique problem with the servers" they have been unable to activate my account. First they issued me what turns out to be some programmers personal testing-only number, which did very bizarre things to the phone. Then they issued me some other number, which the system was convinced was LNP to some other company. They then issued me a third number, but the phone still didn't work - the technician said I just "produced the most unique problem they have ever seen."

They hope to have the phone activated by mid-week. Ehhh? Can you hear me, yet ???

07-21-2003, 01:11 PM
OK - got the phone working... Is there an EASY way to set it up to get to the right web page? Seems like a 15 minute job to attempt to navigate to anywhere. There must be an easier way ... ????

07-21-2003, 01:22 PM
Dyyryath - have you sold out to a phone company? :jester:

07-21-2003, 03:08 PM
Originally posted by CodeMonkey
OK - got the phone working... Is there an EASY way to set it up to get to the right web page? Seems like a 15 minute job to attempt to navigate to anywhere. There must be an easier way ... ????

It *is* a pain in the ass to enter a URL with a phone keypad. On my phone, I only had to do it once, then I just bookmarked it. Whenever I want to check my stats, I just select the bookmark from the list. You might look and see if your phone has a similar feature...

Pointy: LOL :rotfl: