View Full Version : Not as high up as the race the-mk posted, but . . .

07-17-2003, 04:04 PM
I am trying to catchup/pass starkebn but he seems to be a match for me, lol:



07-17-2003, 04:23 PM
I know that wirthi and starkebn had in phase 1 such a position changing :D

But now it's a little more random because of the time a generation takes to calculate...

Throw in some iron to show him/her who's the boss :D



07-17-2003, 05:12 PM
yeh . . .but I have to shut down my boxes during parts of the day when it gets too hot (we are having sprinkles now and heat here in San Diego) and I turn off two of my boxes at night to keep my electricity bill down . . .it is expensice here in So Cal). That and I run Seti on two of the boxes every other day for about 6 WU's worth because I want to make the top 99% before Seti ends.

Gosh .. .this is hard, but I know that I can do it. I have one other box sitting and waiting . . .I think the ethernet card is shot (and it is only four months old). I guess I need to fix her up quick!


Originally posted by the-mk
I know that wirthi and starkebn had in phase 1 such a position changing :D

But now it's a little more random because of the time a generation takes to calculate...

Throw in some iron to show him/her who's the boss :D



07-17-2003, 07:55 PM
Jammy: I can lend you a IBM model 50! Comp[lete with 30 MEG hard drive, 3 MB of ram, and dual floppy drives.... That'll be some iron...

Of course, the big drug company that my dad works for, now uses all spare computing time for all computers in the office, so, I can't borg like we once did during seti. that was fun. But I put on a steady 2 Ghz, and see If I can catch you here. Just for fun. I'm broke...

07-17-2003, 09:08 PM
Uh . . this is the box that is sitting and waiting to be fixed . . .I tried posting it this morning but for some reason it would not upload.


07-17-2003, 09:11 PM
Hey magicfan, lol . . .how are you gonna lend it to me? All help is truly appreciated! But besides that . . .I will race ya . . .heck . . .I will race anybody actually . . .

Jammy :crazy:

Originally posted by magicfan241
Jammy: I can lend you a IBM model 50! Comp[lete with 30 MEG hard drive, 3 MB of ram, and dual floppy drives.... That'll be some iron...

07-17-2003, 10:24 PM
You go girl!!! You are doing awesome! I know what you mean about the price of electricity in Cali...eeeks!!!! It's gone nuts!!

07-17-2003, 11:30 PM
Thanks Moogie for the encouragement! It has really been a long time since I have really hung out and read the many posts at this forum. I have found myself to have become very disconnected with the majority of DC teams because gauntlets and such seem to have a negative effect on me after awhile when I find that because of $$$ I cannot keep up any longer.

Either it is the weather or utility bills that have affected when and how i run my PCs nowadays. Gone are those tranquil days when I just woke up in the morning and turned on my computer (one) to chck my email and dabble with websites.

It is now GO, GO, and more GO! Sometimes I just want to turn off all htree of my boxes (fourth is still on the floor of the back bedroom). I just can't seem to get motivated any longer . . .I love everybody here but can't seem to get myself able to interact any longer . . .

Are these the signs of a burnout? :confused:


Originally posted by Moogie
You go girl!!! You are doing awesome! I know what you mean about the price of electricity in Cali...eeeks!!!! It's gone nuts!!

07-18-2003, 07:48 AM
Yep, jammy you are hivng a burnout.

Just let me borrow all your boxen, and it will be all better for you.

Take yoga, and long hikes. Relax, annd listen to relaxation tapes. After a couple of days, come back, and see that I have taunted you into nothing-ness. That'll give you some motivation.... :Pokes:

07-18-2003, 04:13 PM
Yay! I just put in the new NIC and the 750Athlon Classic is up and running again!
Now to try out DF on it. I know that a 750 MHz is not that fast but it has 512 megs of PC133 and this box was my stable work-horse a couple of years ago and it ran Seti 24/7 back then.

I dunno . . .I love this old box . . .but later next month I am seriously thinking about upgrading the old T-Bird to a XP 2500 Barton and the XP 2600 to an XP 3000 or 3200.

The pic is of the 750.

07-18-2003, 08:30 PM
Gosh this is fun fooling around with the now slow-ass box, lol. Here is it's first benchmark:

Distributed Folding Windows dfGUI v3.1 Benchmark

Current Generation: 0
Sample Size : 1082 structures over 4462 seconds.
Protein Size: 96AA

Structures Per Hour : 873
Structures Per Day : 20951

OS : Windows 98 MHz: ???
CPU: AuthenticAMD x86 Family 6 Model 2 Stepping 1
Client Switches: -rt -g 5 -p 20

Dang . .. it has been on its first generation for over two hours now, lol, but every bit helps the cause!

P.S. !Uh . . .this benchmarked is awfully skewed! Please pardon the fact that the MHz is not showing. I put Win98 SE on the 750 cuz my youngest daughter likes it and thinks W2K is too hard to follow. :neener:

07-18-2003, 08:37 PM
My Mhz rating don't show on my Win 98 box too:

It's a XP 2000+ box:

Distributed Folding Windows dfGUI v3.0 Benchmark

Current Generation: 174
Sample Size : 20 structures over 467 seconds.
Protein Size: 96AA

Structures Per Hour : 166
Structures Per Day : 3972

OS : Windows 98 MHz: ???
CPU: AuthenticAMD AMD Athlon(tm)
Client Switches: -qt -rt

Faster than all your boxen!!!

07-18-2003, 09:08 PM
I really doubt if yours is faster than "all" of my boxes magicfan! I have an XP 2600, and XP 1900 running as an XP 2000, and of course, my 1.33 @1458 "slightly" OC'd T-Bird. Yeh . . .it may be faster than my T-Bird magicfan!

Uh . . .my old 750 box is one that I gave to my youngest daughter and I had to reformat it and install a new NIC. She wanted Win 98 SE so that is what I put on the box. W2K is my OS of choice.


BTW >>> I will post benchmarks from my two AMD XP's as soon as I can get a large enough sample.

Originally posted by magicfan241
My Mhz rating don't show on my Win 98 box too:

It's a XP 2000+ box:

Faster than all your boxen!!!

07-18-2003, 09:21 PM
Look at my tag. Think about what you said. Look at my tag again.

On a completely un-related note: What is reality? What is the truth?

Why does the local ice cream chop sell the ice cream in ounces??

Why does my production go down when I am ripping a CD, while playing MP3's and posting on this forum?? It makes no sense at all....

I am working on the pictures of my all mighty farm...

07-18-2003, 09:46 PM
Here ya go . . .the one from my XP 2600 was while I was watching a Stargate SG1 DVD:

Distributed Folding Windows dfGUI v3.01 Benchmark

Current Generation: 42
Sample Size : 35 structures over 289 seconds.
Protein Size: 96AA

Structures Per Hour : 649
Structures Per Day : 15588

OS : Windows 2000 MHz: 2100
CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2600+
Client Switches: -rt

and now let me see if my XP 1900 (it is OC'd) has benchmarked enough:

Distributed Folding Windows dfGUI v3.01 Benchmark

Current Generation: 129
Sample Size : 16 structures over 213 seconds.
Protein Size: 96AA

Structures Per Hour : 282
Structures Per Day : 6776

OS : Windows 2000 MHz: 1631
CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 2000+

OK . . .now the T-Bird:

Distributed Folding Windows dfGUI v3.1 Benchmark

Current Generation: 200
Sample Size : 24 structures over 1365 seconds.
Protein Size: 96AA

Structures Per Hour : 64
Structures Per Day : 1536

OS : Windows 2000 MHz: 1337
CPU: AMD Athlon(tm) Processor
Client Switches: -rt -g 2 -p 15

So are they faster? BTW >>> The T-Bird was benched at stock speed.

Question: I have tried and tried to do a long benchmark, say overnight, and I can't get this new dfGUI 3.1 to benchmark that long!


Originally posted by magicfan241

Faster than all your boxen!!! [/B]

07-18-2003, 11:32 PM

Here is my second benchmark and it seems that Win 98 benchmarks much easier than W2K for some reason:

Distributed Folding Windows dfGUI v3.1 Benchmark

Current Generation: 0
Sample Size : 726 structures over 1637 seconds.
Protein Size: 96AA

Structures Per Hour : 1597
Structures Per Day : 38318

OS : Windows 98 MHz: ???
CPU: Authentic Classic AMD x86 Family 6 Model 2 Stepping 1
Client Switches: -rt -g 5 -p 20

Can anybody tell me why this measly 750 Athlon gets such high amounts of structures? It has been running DF now for nearly eight hours and it still is on generation "0" ( I never heard of generation 0 before, but it does now have one generation buffered. But this 750 seems to get higher benchmarks than my two AMD XP's! Is lower better???


Dang . .. it has been on its first generation for over two hours now, lol, but every bit helps the cause!

P.S. !Uh . . .this benchmarked is awfully skewed! Please pardon the fact that the MHz is not showing. I put Win98 SE on the 750 cuz my youngest daughter likes it and thinks W2K is too hard to follow. :neener:

07-19-2003, 04:26 AM
Oh my god! Stop throwing in more boxen! :swear:

I can see you in my rear view mirror! You are far away, but I can see you...

Next threat: NiNeball9... only 800 points behind me :scared: I've got no more firepower to keep him behind me :cry:

07-19-2003, 04:54 AM
lol . . .don't worry the-mk! It will be a long long time before I ever get too close to you.


Originally posted by the-mk
Oh my god! Stop throwing in more boxen! :swear:

I can see you in my rear view mirror! You are far away, but I can see you...