View Full Version : MindModelling@Home Intelligent Search

12-06-2012, 02:15 AM
If you've been tracking the development of jobs from the progress bars on our homepage, you may have noticed that recent jobs are finishing much sooner than expected. This is due to the introduction of intelligent search algorithms to our server-side software. These algorithms allow us to find an optimal solution for a model without having to fully enumerate and compute every node in a job's parameter space. Once a solution is determined to be optimal, or optimal enough, the job terminates. These methods greatly speed up the cycle of generation, computation, and evaluation of models. Our view is that it is only through the combined use of intelligent search and distributed computing can we meet our far-term scientific and technological objectives, both as a research team and as a broader research community. While in time we will introduce better indicators of progress, for now simply understand that the progress bars are not always a guarantee of work for the foreseeable future. Additionally, some have noted that they are experiencing problems updating their passwords from their account pages. This is due to some outdated URL redirection that is no longer necessary. Consequently, we have changed the master URL of our project to "http://mindmodeling.org/". Any webpages appended with "/beta" will still work, including communication between clients and our scheduler, but you should switch over to the new URL as soon as possible. Please let us know if any issues persist, or new ones arise.

More... (http://mindmodeling.org/forum_thread.php?id=642)