View Full Version : Transfering Generations

07-24-2003, 10:43 PM
I haven't done any real research on the topic, but it occured to me that this may be a way to increase per system performance when older systems are in use.

Say you have some older pentium 2 machines that are running. For them to toil through the lower generations would take an appreciable amount of time and yield relatively low point totals. A fast machine could tackle the lower generations quickly and provide a high generation seed for the slower machines.

Does this make any sense?

07-24-2003, 10:54 PM
Does this make any sense? Only if you assume that Gen 0 is the real grunge work of the project. I suspect that your results wouldn't be all that different.

Of course, you can try it. The problem is the difficulty of maintaining controls over the experiment.

If the mood moves ya, have at it... :cool:

07-24-2003, 11:05 PM
i think this might work if you moved it at say gen. 240 , about

but it would be alot of work, well if you have a lot of boxen

if you only have two, say a p3-450 and a XP 2600+ , then maybe

still would take some work/effort, i dunno

maybe you try it and let us know :drums: