View Full Version : Dual AMD Motherboards

07-25-2003, 01:06 PM
Dual AMD MBs - anyone used any of these?

Dualies at newEgg (http://www.newegg.com/app/viewproduct.asp?description=13-128-152)

Comments? Suggestions?

07-25-2003, 01:18 PM
Nope, but I do like New Egg. I just ordered about $1200 worth of stuff from them. Pretty decent prices. :thumbs:

07-25-2003, 01:45 PM
I have the Gigabyte board paired with 2 MP2400+s - don't use the on-board RAID (I am using SATA RAID) but would definately recommend this - very stable, easy to work with (plenty of space around the main areas on the board)...

07-25-2003, 01:48 PM
When I went to that link I only saw one motherboard. I was going to post a link of the dual AMD search that I did but the link didn't work. I got there by going to "Shop by Category", Motherboards - Server, and then searching for "dual socket 462" for cpu type. When I did that the dual motherboards that I have showed up. I have a couple of MSI K7D Master-Ls. Those are not in stock but the K7D Masters are which are the same thing without a builtin LAN.

They seem to work alright, but I haven't really done that much with them other than running dFold. It was a little hard to get both processors running with linux than I would have thought but it was a learning experience.

It does get two processors in one box, but it is not as cost effective for doing distrubuted computing as buying single motherboards.

I buy 90% of my gear from New Egg as they have the only site that I have found where you can actually find say "dual AMD motherboards" without knowing anything about who makes them and what the model names are.

07-25-2003, 01:57 PM
I had a MSI K7D mobo but had so many problems with it (it wouldn't recognise both CPUs, it wouldn't install XP, the second CPU would be running at ~60c even though it hadn't been picked up...and so on) - switched to the Gigabyte and no problems at all ...

PY 222
07-25-2003, 04:14 PM
I am running a Tyan Tiger MPX with one XP1800+ and one MP1900+ (don't ask me why) and the MPX chipset is a solid design.

Although I don't buy from Newegg because I am situated in CA already and its pointless in buying and getting charged for shipping and state tax, I got my stuff from Accubyte.com.

I think an MPX based board with dual XP2600+ (modded) would be a schweet deal. :thumbs:

07-25-2003, 06:20 PM
I've used Accubyte in the past, too. They're definately decent. In fact, I like:

New Egg
Outside Loop
Mwave (occasionally)

07-26-2003, 01:00 PM
I am running a few dual AMD's:

Iwill MPX2, dual XP2500's @ 2370MHz
Iwill MPX2, dual XP2500's @ 2100MHz
Tyan Tiger S2466N, dual XP2400's
2x Tyan S2460's, dual XP1800's

They make nice crunching boxen :D

07-26-2003, 04:06 PM
I've got three of the Tyan S2460's running MP2200's. Have you had any problems with yours? I had one show up DOA & another die after about 6 months...

07-26-2003, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by Dyyryath
I've got three of the Tyan S2460's running MP2200's. Have you had any problems with yours? I had one show up DOA & another die after about 6 months...

Hi Dyy, I originally had 3x S2460's and they were all bought new on first release. 2x have given over a years (possibly 2 years) faithful service running 100% load, 24x7. The other one started to show instabilities until it finally would no longer boot. On closer inspection, the ATX socket was melted to the connector. This excessive current draw through the ATX connection is a common problem with the S2460 (and the reason Tyan only specify MP1900's max). Tyan didn't adhere to AMD's ATX12V spec and this is the result :bang:. What annoyed me is I was only using 2x 1800's and a Matrox G450.....hardly power hungry components :rolleyes:.

I doubt Tyan considered us DC'ers when planning the S2460 :)

07-29-2003, 10:07 AM
but it is still unfinished. I am looking for an inexpensive but good enough PSU.

Any of you guys got some info on good PSUs?

07-29-2003, 12:31 PM
I'm fairly picky about power supplies. Antec (http://www.antec-inc.com/pro_powerSupply.html) & Enermax (http://www.enermax.com.tw/main.htm) both make good ones, though neither is exceptionally cheap. PC Power & Cooling (http://www.pcpowerandcooling.com/products/power_supplies/index.htm) also makes good power supplies, but they tend to be a little more expensive even than the other two.

Your power supply can radically affect the stability of your system. It's one of the most overlooked components. It's also one of the components that case manufacturers tend to really skimp on. I've replaced countless cheap power supplies. It's always a good idea to buy a decent one from the beginning and save yourself some heartache down the road. :cool:

I've got a stack of dead 'Deer' power supplies here at the house about a mile high. :D