View Full Version : FreeDC now #6

07-31-2003, 09:37 AM
Inspite of the loss of production with the new DF client FreeDc has over taken RECHENKRAFT.NET for the number 6 spot in ChessBrain. Thanks to all past and present contributing.:thumbs: With special kudos to Condor for his current out put:thumbs:

ok you knew this was comming. I know the battle is on with Ars in DF but if every one with multiple boxen would just run 1 instance of CB along with DF we could advance up the ladder even faster.

All of my boxen run CB along with DF with out consequence:thumbs:

Windows screen saver (http://www.chessbrain.net/CBScreenSaver-20030407-02.exe)

Windows Gui client (http://www.chessbrain.net/client20407-01-wingui.exe)

Windows command line client (http://www.chessbrain.net/client20407-01-win.zip)

Nix client (http://www.chessbrain.net/client20407-01-lin.tgz)

MacOs (http://www.chessbrain.net/client20407-01-osx.tgz)



08-01-2003, 08:46 AM
Added a node :) Now where are the stats? :)

08-03-2003, 11:27 PM
For those of you wondering why these stats are down again it's because they are in the process of being moved to a stable webserver with a much faster connection.

They are up again @ http://chessbrain.ezracing.net but they aren't fully functional as I'm having to port the code from MS SQL to MYSQL and set up the cron jobs and what not. I'll notify everyone when they are going full strength again.