View Full Version : CoolMon and MBM affect df performance? (again)

08-08-2003, 07:03 AM
As with my other post I didn't get a chance to read any replies to the thread i started yesterday with the same title(before the post went missing) , so could all those who replied yesterday, please take the time to reply again today :)

I was just wondering if I run CoolMon and Motherboard Monitor (MBM) at the same time along with distributed folding, will this affect my folding performance, or will it be like dfGUI where the amount of resources they take are negligible?

Would a good test be to run the pc for a set period (say 12 hours), and then and the end go into the task manager and see how much CPU time each of them has used?

Any ideas?

Also does anyone else use either (or both) of these alongside df?

Thanks in advance :D

08-08-2003, 07:29 AM
Check your task manager to see what resources applications are using. Task manager is real time. Don't think you should wait 12 hours to check.

Here is a link to intel/support/search. Select pentium 4 in drop down windows and type temperature in keyword window.

Was just reading how mobo temp monitors may not be accurate, did not see that at intel, saw that browsing google.

My amds run in mid 50c. one would not stay cool, a brand new one and died when it hit 72c.
I have never checked the temp on my dell/p4. I don't overclock it so iI don't worry about it.

Good Luck:)

08-08-2003, 09:00 AM
Generally, monitors like the two you mentioned take very little of system resources and are good insurance. Many of us use them. :thumbs:

All DC programs will heat up the CPU. :fireboun: They're designed to RUN and that's what they do. In fact, running a DC client on a laptop will quickly make it too hot to hold!

Each CPU manufacturer has complete specs and tolerances on their website. The Intel P4 is even better protected than most as it has an internal throttle-down mechanism to prevent catastrophic overheating. So if your boxen are P4-powered, you should be in good shape. ;)

08-08-2003, 11:10 AM
I run coolmon and DF and havent seen any performance hit. I dont think MBM uses too many more resources so I dont think you will see any drop in DF performance from them.